2.4 - Spotlight - Fancy Party

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'Do you plan on telling him anytime soon about how you don't plan on continuing whatever is going on between you two when we get to London?' Katie asked me with a disapproving look.

'I'll tell him tonight after the party. We're leaving in two days I want to enjoy every second I get with him until we need to go to the airport. Is that so bad? What if he hates me after I tell him the truth? I'm losing him either way, at least let me enjoy it as much as possible. It's not like I'm waiting to be in London to do it. I know I'm being selfish. I hate myself for doing this to him, It's not fair, I know!'

'Tonight! Or I'll do it myself!' She yelled.

'Why are you pushing this so much?'

'Cassie I love you, you're my best friend, but he's been nothing but sweet and loving to you and he doesn't deserve you leading him on like that.'

'Leading him on? Don't you think you're being a bit too harsh?'

'It's for your own sake. I don't want you to lose yourself. This is not you. What happened to the Cassie who calculated every single possible outcome and its risks and worth?'

'Hey, you're the one who dragged me here to change exactly THAT!' A knock on the door interrupts our fight, 'Harry's here now. I'm going. We'll continue whatever this is later. See ya'. I head out slamming the door behind me making Harry jump.

'Babe, what happened? Why so angry?'

'Had a fight with Katie. Don't worry about it let's just enjoy the party' I faked a smile, climbed in the car and looked out the window hoping Harry wouldn't ask me any more about it.

'Whenever you want to talk about it please know I'm here to listen. But in the meantime do you want me to turn the radio?' I nodded silently trying to avoid making eye contact.

By the time we got to the huge house where the party was being held I forgot all about my fight with Katie and was ready to have fun. We went into the house full of people with fancy clothes and a lot of familiar faces. Harry greeted a couple of men in suits I didn't recognize on our way to the backyard area where he stopped at a group of people including James Corden from the Late Late Show, and his wife.

'Hey Cas' I want you to meet my good friend James'

'Harry is that the girl you wouldn't shut up about for the past week?' James sniggered while Harry is glaring at him.

'Umm... yeah... this is Cassie the girl I told you about, the one that has this amazing blog that posts reviews on all the new series and movies. I gotta say I like your style. You're not too criticizing and very objective and weigh all the angles. You're really smart about it.'

'You read my blog?' I asked surprised.

'Well only after I met you. I wanted to know who I'm dealing with. You can never be too careful in L.A.!'

'Actually, I got through it a bit after Harry told me about it. I think you have potential, and your writing style is very unique. I think you're capable of writing books if you find the right ideas and a captivating story to write about.'

'Wow thanks, James! That means a lot coming from you! Actually writing a book is definitely on my to do list and I'm currently brainstorming for ideas. That's one of the reasons I came here on this vacation.'

'Great! Well best of luck. I'm looking forward to hearing about all your achievements in the future. And if you do end up publishing a book I'd love to have you on my show for an interview, could be fun!'

'You'll be the first interview for the book tour, I'll make sure of it!' I gushed.

'Great! Well, enjoy the party you two!'

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