Chapter Ten: Fast Forward - Public

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Harry Styles and Cassie Miller were seen lip-locking in a parking lot just outside a club in London.

Headlines similar to this one were everywhere on the internet. We could've been more careful. We should've been more careful. I woke up the next day with my phone buzzing with the news and a knock on my door. As soon as I opened the door, Harry stormed in, pacing around the living room, nervous and worried, barely looking at me.

'Did you see the news? Did you read what they're saying? Baby, I'm so so sorry, I should've been more careful. I'm so sorry, I didn't want it to go that way, but honestly, I don't see how we can cover this up. I'm sorry I know this isn't how you wanted the news that we're together to come out.' He talked faster than I've ever heard him before.

'Harry calm down. It's okay. It happened. We just have to deal with the consequences of our actions.'

'So you're not mad?' He asked looking at the ground sadly.

I walked toward him and lifted his head up so that I could look into his beautiful eyes.

'Harry, I kissed you as much as you kissed me yesterday. This is on me as much as it's on you. So no, I'm not mad. That wouldn't achieve anything anyway. We just need to think about this logically and figure out the smartest way to deal with it.'

'Right, the smartest way.' He paused thinking as we sat on the couch.

'Oh, I can call my friend Danny! You know, the one who works on the radio? I can request an interview, and we can clear everything up.'

'Okay... How would you clear everything up? What will you say exactly?' I questioned.

'The truth?' he answered in an obvious tone.

'Right so, we met in L.A. fell in love then I ditched you because I wasn't ready to be famous and then went back in London where I got a boyfriend and actually got famous, then you stalked me and blackmailed me into breaking up with my boyfriend. Then he broke up with me and you got yourself the lead role in my movie and got me to star in it alongside you and then we started dating. Sure that's a charming story! Everyone will hate us! You can't tell the truth! Besides, we don't owe them any explanation! This is our private life, it's none of their business, the what when and how of it all.' I ranted.

He lightly laughed at my outburst and then asked, 'Alright. What do you suggest then?'

'We met in L.A. and became friends. And then we got the lead roles in the movie adaptation of Polaris and we fell in love and when we were done the shooting, we started dating. Keep it short and straight to the point.'

'Okay, what if they asked about what I said during my last concert? If we fell in love on set, how come I mentioned it before we even got cast?'

'Okay fine, then you fell in love with me since summer but kept it to yourself, and then when you saw me after months of separation, you couldn't hold it in any longer.'


We went through all the possible questions Danny could ask him and prepared all the right answers. That afternoon we drove together to the radio station and I watched him smoothly run the interview just like we practised. After it was done, he walked towards me and gave me a hug, whispering in my ear with a low husky voice, 'It's official, everyone in the world knows that we're happy together.' he pulled my face towards his for a short kiss on the lips. Then letting me go, holding my hand and walking me out of the studio towards the car, he burst, 'Hey you should be my publicist! You'd be great at that! You always know the right things to say!'

I laughed and politely declined the offer, 'I'll always be here supporting you and helping you make the right decisions. You don't need to make a job out of it. Now come on, I'm starving and I'm cold, let's go home, order pizza and watch movies.'

'Your place or mine?' he asked as he started driving.

'Whichever is close. I don't care, as long as we're together.'

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