1.6 - Serendipity - Hiking

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Katie and I were shopping in downtown L.A. for her new 'L.A. Fashion' blog post when I got a text from Harry 'I spy with my little eye, a beautiful tall brown-haired girl who could really use sunglasses because the sun is really bright today and she's been squinting her eyes for the past 5 minutes and that would probably give her a headache.'

I looked around confused only to be greeted by a pair of sunglasses carefully placed over my eyes I look up and I find Harry smiling at me.

'Are you following me?' I teased.

'Nah just got lucky, I'm actually on my way to the recording studio so I'm kind of in a hurry but I saw you and I had to say hi'

'Well Hi!' I gushed opening my arms inviting him for a hug which he happily returned.

'So Cas', tomorrow early morning Niall and I are going on a hike and we would love it if Katie and you could come'

I look at Katie hesitantly not knowing if she'd be comfortable going out with Niall again after they spent the night together and catching on to my look she immediately agreed to Harry's proposition 'Yes we'll definitely be there!' We agreed on a time and place and then he told us goodbye hugging each one of us and giving me a quick peck on my cheek.

The next morning we woke up at 5 getting ready to meet the lads at 6:30.

'This is way too early!' Katie whined.

'Hey, you're the one who agreed to this!'

'Right like you would've said no to watching the sunrise with Harry! Could he be any more romantic?'

I shrugged and took my bag as we headed out to the meeting point where they were already waiting for us. 'Were you waiting for long? I asked worryingly

'No we just got here, don't worry' Harry reassured me and proceeded to hug me tightly as he whispered in my ear 'Good morning beautiful' I smiled at him pulling away from the hug greeting him back.

'So we're gonna walk through the Hollywood Hills all the way to the top, it's amazing there. It's going to take us around 3 hours. We're going to take a break halfway and eat some light snacks though, so don't worry about that. I hope you packed a lot of water you're gonna need it, it's a hot one today' Niall explain as we gathered our stuff from the car and started walking.

'Niall, isn't it tiring to drag your guitar everywhere like that? We have a long way to climb...'Katie asked with a hint of worry in her eye.

'At first, it was yeah, but I've been doing it for so long I barely feel the weight.'

'It's the same with me and my laptop, in the beginning, I hated it and I would go back home straight after work 'cause I didn't wanna drag it everywhere along but now it feels weird when it's not hanging on my shoulder' I explained.

After a lot of walking, we got to a secluded area where we sat down and took a break. Niall got his guitar out and started strumming and humming along with the slow music.

Harry turns to me and asked, 'You guys wanna play two truths and a lie? Could be fun'

We all agreed and he continued 'Cas' you start?'

'Alright. Katie, You know this one, so keep the answer to yourself. I never broke any bones in my body, I once broke into my boss's office, I had a cameo in the movie "Tales of Snow" starring award winner Anthony Taylor'

'What? I would totally remember you if I saw you in Tales of Snow! I love that movie it's one of the best modern romantic comedies! I've watched it at least 5 times since it went out last year. But I'm pretty sure you'd never break in anywhere, you'd never break any rules or laws. I'd say the office breaking is the lie, I definitely need to watch that movie again. Niall, what you think?'

'Hmm it is a tough one but I'd say the cameo is the lie'

'Drum roll, please... Harry, you definitely need to watch the movie because I was definitely in it, you won that round! Katie, you're up next.'

'No wait I wanna know the story!' Harry exclaimed

'So I was helping Katie out in a photo shoot and in the room next door, they were shooting one of the coffee shops scenes in Tales of Snow, you know the one where they got stuck in the coffeehouse? And they needed more extras to fill up the tables and they asked us to help them out and we agreed. I even had a line and everything! It was a fun experience!'

'How did I miss that! Also, did you ever thought of making a career in acting?'

'Harry, I keep telling her that! She has the basics she just needs some professional training and to go to some auditions, but she always tells me no! Convince her, please! She is definitely leading lady material don't you think?'

'I can see that for sure! You really should give it a try! Who knows maybe it will go well and you'll finally get to quit that desk job you hate so much.'

'I don't know maybe, anyway Katie, your turn?'

'Right! So, One: I spent the night at Anthony Taylor's house. Two: I visited every single tube station back in London. Three: I can speak 4 languages'

'Since Cassie worked in a movie with Anthony, One is very likely to be true-'

'Two is very difficult to achieve and I've lived in London for a long time and I'm pretty sure I haven't even gone through half of them', Harry said interrupting Niall's analysis.

'Yeah I think the Two is the lie', Niall agreed.

'Well you're both losers since the lie is the Three, I can only speak English but Cassie here is fluent in 3 languages and knows enough Italian to go by while visiting Rome and Venice her ultimate travelling goals' she teased, winking at Harry making me glare at her until Harry, who unlike me caught on her hint, intervened 'Rome is absolutely magnificent. Cas' I would love to take you there on your next vacation!'

'Right I think we're all well rested! Let's continue this hike, shall we?' I blurted standing up, then everyone followed we climbed to the top. Harry held me close keeping his arm around my waist the entire time as if he's worried I'll fall or injure myself in some way, while Katie and Niall were joking around.

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