1.3 - Serendipity - Walking

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I finally got some alone time with Katie while the boys got us some ice cream and since there was a bit of a line we knew they'll be away for long enough,

'So, what do you think Katie?' I asked her while my eyes didn't leave Harry.

'Niall is so hot! He's so much better looking in his natural brown hair than the blonde hair he used to have!'

'True but besides that, what have you been talking about? Is there anything that might happen?'

'I don't know we're very flirty and it's all in good fun, but he's also very sweet and kind and I like that. I just hope we get to see them again, this vacation is much better than I thought it would be.'

She looked at me as I'd been silent for a while and then continued.

'I've never seen you like that, you never gave any attention to them before when I used to fangirl over them and always said they're overrated even though their songs are great and they're very talented.'

'What? That doesn't have to do with anything. I don't care about who they are, they're people like you and me, really nice people.'

'Yeah you're right, but still, even back in London, I fixed you up with so many guys, and many were very hot, you never looked at them the way you're looking at Harry right now'

I quickly turned my head looking at her for the first time since we got into their car back at the beach.

'What do you mean?' I said with a worried face.

'That's literally the first time you looked at me in the last 3 hours! He's got you hypnotised or something. You gotta be careful! You know what they say about him. He's a womaniser and has dated tons of Victoria Secret models and famous girls.'

'Oi! You know he's not, you know those are just lies the media like spread. And yeah maybe he has dated models in the past but that doesn't change anything. Does it?'

'I don't know honestly. I'm just saying be careful Cassie. Don't fall in love, this is just a summer fling. In 10 days we're flying back to London and everything will go back to how it was. This vacation will just be a memory, a pretty good one sure, but a memory'

'Yeah... I think you're right, it's just a summer fling, maybe he won't even want to see me after today. It's just that he woke something up inside me that's been dead for years, ever since I broke up with my last boyfriend back in my hometown.'

'Yeah well, that's Harry for ya, gorgeous green eyes, long curly hair, tall and knows how to dress, with a voice straight from heaven.'

'Hey! Mine! Stick to your guy!'

She laughs and says, 'Relax Niall is pretty amazing too, he has the bluest blue eyes you've ever seen, the Irish accent is just so sexy, he can play the guitar, and he does it beautifully. And did you hear his laugh? It's seriously that best laugh I've ever heard, I can't hear his laugh and not instantly feel happy'

'True they're both incredible. This is gonna be so hard!!'

'What's going to be so hard?' Harry asked with a cheeky grin on his face, handing me my ice cream cone as Niall does the same with Katie.

'Oh, um we were just talking about how difficult it's gonna be to... um... well-' I stuttered trying to come up with some lie.

'We were talking about how good this pizza was that it would be difficult to enjoy the pizza back in London' Katie intervened then trying to change the subject she asked looking at Niall with a pleading look 'so what are your plans for this week? Not too busy hopefully?'

'Not really, I just have some parties to attend in the upcoming nights, it's small gathering between friends and a birthday party, I'd love it if you would wanna come with me Katie, What do you say?' Niall replied to her, anxiously waiting for her to say yes.

'Cassie we need to go shopping tomorrow I need dresses!'

'Is that a yes then?' He asked confused.

'Of course, it's a yes! What about you Harry? Any plans?' She asked winking at me.

'Yes! Actually, I'm thinking of taking this lovely lady on a special tour of the area tomorrow night. If she'll have me.' Harry said taking my hand and kissing it gently with his soft pink lips I couldn't help but stare at whenever I had the chance. I blushed at his gesture as I managed to say yes.

After that, we all exchanged phone numbers and then the lads drove us back to the apartment we rented. I had to admit our first day here was unexpectedly amazing and it looked like the rest of our trip was going to continue that way and we were very excited. 

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