3.2 - Home - Alex

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The first time I met Alex was at Sam's birthday party. We spent the whole night talking and drinking and occasionally dancing as everyone else in the room did so. We burnt through so many topics, from football, latest movies, to life goals.

'Is it interesting? Being an architect ...' I asked.

'For me, it is, yeah! I enjoy drawing up buildings from scratch, thinking of every aspect of it, and making sure everything in place. One of my favourite days is when I get to go to the site and see what was once a thought in my mind, is now a concrete object that is going to be an important part of some people's lives. What about you? Why do you juggle all those jobs? I mean it's impressive that you can keep up with it all. But from what I heard your blog is getting really big, I guess enough to depend on it?'

'Yeah the last year things have been great, It's not just me, there are so many different people writing the articles, people taking care of the publicity, people updating the designs of the website. And I didn't want to quit my desk job before, even though I hate it because I needed a backup, just in case the blog doesn't take off. But recently I'm starting to seriously consider it and giving all my time to the blog and the book.'

'I gotta say, I admire your endurance. But eventually, having all that weight on your shoulders is gonna break you. Be careful.'

'Thank you! I am considering everything. Do you think you'll stay in the company you work for or do you want to chase after something bigger?'

'To be honest, I'm not sure yet. The way I see it, there are two options, either I stay in my company and push to become a partner, or leave and build up my own company.'

'Good luck with that!'

'Thank you! Good luck with your blog and your book too!'

The next day I get a text just as I was about to go for my lunch break Hey! I was in the neighbourhood meeting with clients for a new project, wanna grab lunch? -Alex. I agreed and headed out of the office to meet him.

'Nice suit!' I teased greeting him with a hug.

'I could say the same for you! How are you today?'

'I'm okay considering I had 3 hours of sleep, at least a gallon of coffee, which I hate btw! At least it's a slow day at work. What about you?'

'I'm actually feeling great! That meeting went really well and taking on this project for the company is going to be very rewarding. It's a big deal.'

'That's brilliant! Congratulations! Hope everything goes well!'

We went to the restaurant and ordered and proceeded with our discussion, getting to know each other.

'So, Alex, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?'

'Most days I just go straight home after work, catch up on the news and some tv series I follow. But on Thursdays and Fridays, I hang out with my friends in a pub, and every Sunday I play soccer with the lads. What about you? Do you even have free time?'

I laughed and answered 'Well yeah I have the entire weekend to myself! Actually, I turned two of the things I like doing the most into work but doesn't stop me from enjoying it. Who wouldn't want to spend hours watching tv as a job? And writing just calms me down, I can put all of my thoughts into something I can look into later on, and I enjoy it when I see how my writings affect the readers.'

'How did you start the blog? I mean, What gave you the idea of starting a blog?'

'Well, I always enjoyed discussing the recent events of the latest episode of any series with my friends, talk about what was good, what was bad, what should've happened and what shouldn't have. And then I started to get really miserable here. Being away from my family and having a job I needed but don't like, was really tough. So I needed an outlet. So my friends back home suggested that I start a blog since I'm a good writer, very logical and actually enjoy talking about science fiction for hours.'

'Well, I'm very proud of you! You've really come a long way!'

'Aww! Thank you! That means a lot!'

We kept seeing each other daily, one night we went for dinner and a movie, the next day we went for a walk in a park, and he also took me to his friend's art gallery. I enjoyed spending time with Alex, he has been really caring, attentive, funny and very intellectual. We could never run out of things to discuss. Things started to go really well. I was happy again, I had the friends, the guy, and a job I enjoyed. 

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