Chapter Six: The Other Side - London Tour

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The day of my book's release came and it was time for my first ever book signing event. There were more people than I thought there would be, of course, all of my friends and my boyfriend were there, but there was also a lot of random people gathered and seemed very interested in what's to come.

After a small introduction from the host of the event, I stood on the small podium in front of the crowd. I was a little nervous but mostly excited to introduce to the world my creation. When I publish articles and posts on my blog it's not as nerve-racking because I don't see people's facial reaction live, which made that moment more difficult than I thought it would be. I took a deep breath and started my speech.

'Thank you, everyone, for coming today. I am so excited to present to you what I've been working on for quite a while. I wouldn't be here without the support of my family, my friends, and my publishers who helped me get the best version of my work out in the world. This is the first book I've ever written, and it's inspired by experiences not only I've gone through, but also everyone around me has. I would like to read a little passage from my book. I chose this one specifically because it's one of the moments that touches me the most, and I hope that all the emotions I've gone through while writing it, will transfer to you.

I miss you and I hate it. I miss you so much and it kills me that when I will see you, I won't be able to kiss you. And so, even if I see you, I'll still miss you. Because there would still be distance between us. And I don't mean physical distance. A kiss is when there's no point where you end up and I start. A kiss is, when our bodies synchronize and our hearts beat as one. A kiss is when our souls touch and bond. A kiss is when, for some time, we truly become one on all the levels. Only then I will stop missing you. Until we let go and each goes back to his own body. Then I will miss you again, I will miss you always. And as long as I have hope... hope that we will be one again, I will miss you and I will love it.'

I teared up hearing everyone around me clapping. They actually liked it, strangers I never met before like something I wrote! It was very overwhelming. After that I took my place on a table they set so that I could sign the copies of those who are buying my book at the time. It was the first time I had to write an autograph or sign anything, and I should've thought about it beforehand. I asked my publishers what I should be writing, they told me that it could be just a thank you with the person's name and a signature. Most of the people coming in were around my age, and they were very polite and nice. But every once in a group of 20 people, some girl comes and ask me if the book is about Harry. 'How do they even know about that? I didn't know the news was spread that much.' I thought to myself while just smiling and avoid answering questions like that.

After half an hour of signing to all the people who came specifically for the event, and those who happened to be there, a familiar voice came up to me, handing me a copy of my book to sign.

'Congratulations! From what I heard it's a very interesting book! Can't wait to read it!'

I looked up at the brown-haired man standing in front of me with the cutest smile ever and the bluest eyes.

'Niall!! I didn't think I'd see you here! Thank you for coming! I really hope you'll like the book!'

'Yeah I've been in London for a while and Louis told me about the event so thought I'd come here and see you and congratulate you...'

'That's so sweet of you! Did Louis come as well?'

'He wanted to, so did Liam but we thought that if most of the band were seen out while we're on a hiatus, we'd attract more attention on us and away from you and we wouldn't want to do that. Instead, I'm getting them their own copies. Could you also sign those too please if it's not too much trouble.'

'Of course! Anything for Louis and Liam! Hey, there's one too many! Oh... alright. '

I wrote on Louis' copy, Hey Louis! Didn't know you read books! Hope you enjoy it! Thank you for your support it means a lot! Love always, Cassie.

And then on Liam's I wrote Hey Liam! Thank you so much for your support! It means a lot to me and I hope you'll enjoy my book and please recommend it to your sisters and anyone you know! Love always, Cassie.

And then I took Harry's copy, I paused a little bit thinking on what I could possibly say to him and then I wrote page 125. Thank you for your support. Hope you enjoy it. Cassie.

'Thank you, Cassie! Are you busy after you wrap up here? I thought maybe we could go get a cup of coffee and catch up or something'

'Yeah no problem, I'll be done around 6, see you at the coffeehouse?'

'Yeah see ya, Cassie!'

Time flew by, and it was time to leave. But as I was gathering my things and thanking everyone who was responsible for organising this event, Tristan came up to me and after a tight warm hug he said,

'Cassie! I'm so proud of you! You finally made it! Did you see how much people came in? That's huge! Congratulations!'

'Tristan! Thank you so much for coming! I thought you were shooting in Atlanta!'

'Yeah I had a few days off, I wasn't going to miss your first ever book signing event!'

'Thank you so much for coming! It really means a lot! So? What did you think of everything?'

'I loved the covers! I haven't seen them before! And I loved which part of the book you chose to read, it's actually one of my favourites. And the people were amazing! Even the ones who happened to pass by got copies! I'm so happy for you! Also, I got like 10 copies I'm sending them out to my family and friends and I even did a shoutout on social media so that everyone read your book!'

'Awwww!!! That's so sweet! Thank you so much!' I beamed and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

'Did you hear anything about Harry? Is he reacting? People are starting to talk, but I'm not sure how spread it is yet.'

'It is starting to spread, some girls came up to me and asked me if the character in my book is really Harry Styles, but I didn't give a direct answer. I hope he doesn't react badly. Niall came, you know, Harry's bandmate, He got copies for all four of them and asked me to sign them.'

'Really? What did you write for Harry? This is technically the first time you guys talk since then, kind of.'

'Nothing I just wrote the page number for the part I read today.'

'You really miss him, don't you? Do you think he'll talk to you after that? I know you said he promised he'll talk to you but being a guy, I know that he wouldn't unless you give him a sign that you actually want him to do so, and so far you haven't. Maybe he'll take this as a sign and try something. What will you do then? You're still with Alex right? '

'Yeah I'm still with Alex, I'm happy with Alex, I'm not giving him up. So, even if I see Harry and I talk to him, It's not gonna change anything. He has a concert at the end of this month, and Katie is making me go. I guess we'll see what happens then. I'm both excited for and dreading it.'

'If you're not too eager to confront him just stay in the back and think of it as a regular concert with a regular performer. Not someone you talked with and fallen in love with.'

'Yeah, I guess I can do that! Thanks again, Tristan! I gotta go meet Niall now, he's waiting for me.'

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