Chapter Seven

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They walked away. And she prayed to all the gods that Chase won't do anything stupid to stop them from leaving.

But it was a wishful thinking. She should have known that he wouldn't be that easy to scare. She should have fucking known the moment Chase came behind them, taking Kareem off guard and tackling him to the ground!

"I should have just fucking killed you when I had the chance, boy!" Kareem ground out, trying to get away from Chase's firm grip on his neck.

"Well that's your fucking fault, you fucking bastard!" Chase yelled as he threw punches after punches at Kareem. But no matter how hard those punches are, Kareem is much more bigger and stronger than Chase. He got off Chase in an instant. Throwing a couple of round house kicks on his chest.

His eyes full of rage when he looked at Chase who's now groaning in pain. She saw his other hand grasp inside his pocket. Her eyes widened when she realized he was about to get his gun out. Right then and there, adrenaline push forth. Using her quickness, she got to him and twisted his arm out of his pocket, popping his shoulder in the process. Kareem screamed in agony.

"You fucking, bitch! You'll pay for that!"

She punched his face. She was about to throw another punch again when he kneed her in the gut.

The move robbed her out of breath. He rolled on top of her and held her shoulder using his knee. And before she even realize what he was about to do, a sickening pop reverberated in the air. She screamed in pain.

"I told you I'll get back at you, didn't I?"

He grasped her hair painfully, forcing her to stand.

"I was being fucking kind, you know?" He said before he backhanded her. The force making her stumble back to the ground. "I was fucking being kind!" He roared. "Now I'll let you watch while I kill him!"


"Too late, kid." Kareem said grinning before he pointed his gun at Chase. "Now walk towards the cliff!"

She watched in horror as he backed Chase towards the cliff.


"I can't believe I'm being kind to the last minute by giving you a choice. But yeah. You can choose, Romeo. Jump or have one of my bullets dig into your brain. So.. which is which, hm?"


Chase only glared at Kareem.

"You're making me choose then? Wow.. I guess you're lucky, kid. You'll gonna see the beautiful effect of these bullets for the second time around. Hm.. let's see.." He said as he pointed the gun at Chase's heart. "I choose your heart then."

Her eyes widened in panic when his gun pointed directly at Chase's heart. Before she knew it, she was running towards Chase with her throat raw from screaming for him to stop.


She was about to jump on his back when Kareem chose that moment to turn and look at her. He pulled the trigger and shot her on the arm. It was just a couple of seconds but Chase took that as an opportunity to knock the gun out of his hand. He grasp his broken shoulder which made Kareem groan in pain.

Comrades in Action Book 5: Cece KleinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon