Chapter 3

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I ended up passing out on the bed. I did that on purpose considering how big the damn thing was. Maybe that was just cause I was the only one in it. I then started to remember the bed Joel and I shared all those years ago. How much I loved the feel of his arms around me and how relaxed I felt whenever I was around him. I woke up wiping the tears away. I missed him terribly. I hoped with everything in me, that he was still around. That he found someone that he could find closure with. Maybe he just needed someone. Someone that wasn't me since we had shared that tragedy together. Wherever he was, I wished him well.

I got up off the bed and stretched. I looked through my backpack and pulled out a can of beans. Breakfast of champions. I opened it and started eating. I went into the living room where I was surprised to see no one there. I looked around and noticed that Adrien's backpack was missing.

"Hmm. Idiot decided to head out on his own. Thank god," I said to myself.

I was seeing myself in this house on my own ever since we found it. It was well hidden and secluded. It was exactly what I was looking for. As I got lost in my train of thought, I heard some rustling coming from the roof. I ignored it. It was more than likely the wind. But then I heard it again and it was much louder.

"Shit," I sighed.

I grabbed my gun and decided to go and see what the hell was causing it. I went out the back and quietly made my way to the front. When I heard the rustling again, I aimed my gun in its direction. It was then that I saw Adrien cutting more branches from the fallen tree.

"Adrien," I called.

He turned toward me and was clearly startled. He'd been standing on the tip of his toes and when I called him, he lost his balance and fell backward.

"Idiot from the get-go," I mumbled as I made my way toward the back again.

He'd fallen down on a pile of branches. It was a good thing that those branches were able to catch him. I don't think I would have appreciated seeing a dead body so early in the morning.

"What the hell were you doing up there?" I asked as I got closer.

"I was...I was trying to cover up the house some more. There were some tools I found after you'd gone to sleep. I packed them up when I woke to make them easier to carry. I wasn't expecting you to be awake so early," he said as he tried getting up.

"You're such an idiot. Here take my hand," I said.

He chuckled and reached over and took it. I pulled him off the branches and back on his feet.

"Ow. Shit," he groaned.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think I may have scratched my arm on one of the branches. If you wanted to kill me, you could have just done it from where you stood, you know," he joked.

I rolled my eyes.

"It's not my fault you aren't as alert as you should be," I retorted.

"Hey. I'm injured. You should always agree with the one that's injured," he said.

"Well can we agree that you're a moron?" I asked.

"That we most certainly can," he said.

I looked at his arm that was now dripping with blood.

"It's not that deep. I have a first aid kit. Let's get you cleaned up," I said.

We walked back into the house and I had him sit on the couch. I pulled out my first aid kit and sat across from him.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now