Chapter 17

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"Joel!" Ellie called.

"Goddammit, Bill," I said.

"I got you," Ellie said as she stopped me from moving in circles.

"What just happened?" she asked.

"It's another one of Bill's stupid traps!" I shouted.

I looked around to see how the hell Ellie could get me down from here.

"There – that fridge. It looks like that's the counterweight," I said.

She looked behind her and nodded. She made her way over and climbed the fridge. I needed her to get me down quick. Me hanging upside down like this wasn't doing anyone any good.

"Cut that rope and it'll bring me down," I said.

"On it," she retorted.

As soon as she got to work, I could hear the moans.

"Joel?" she said.

"Shit, here they come!" I shouted.

I pulled out my pistol and aimed it at the ones who were coming in through the fence not too far from where we were. I fired on as many of those assholes as I could while Ellie kept working. Some were getting closer to me.

"Joel!" Ellie called.

"Just tend to the rope! I got this! How's it looking by the way?!" I shouted.

"I'm going as fast as I can," she said.

There was more coming through the fence.

"Ellie!" I shouted.

"I need a bit more time!" she said.

The fridge was on a table. With all her moving around, she had managed to accidentally get it to fall off of it. I was now further up while Ellie fell next to it.

"Fuck!" she shouted.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said then got back to cutting the rope.

"C'mon. You can do it," I encouraged.

I was out of harm's way but Ellie wasn't. There were a few clickers and runners that got close to her but I managed to take care of them before they got too close.

"Ugh! Come on! It's not cutting," she said out of frustration.

"Just hurry! Try another spot. Keep at it," I said.

After a few more tries, she had done it. I fell to the floor and didn't even have time to get up before another one of those things had me pinned to the ground again.

"Joel!" Ellie called.

The damn thing was chomping down trying to get at me but I held it back. Right when I was about to use my foot and kick it off, someone used a machete to slice its neck then cut its head clean off. I moved the runner out of the way and I was relieved to see Bill there.

"Joel?" the one voice I had never thought I'd hear again said.

I looked over to her and there she was. Still as beautiful as the last time I saw her. Was I dreaming or was this really happening? Our eyes locked for the first time in forever. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Beth?" I said.

Bill held his hand out to me and helped me stand. My eyes never left hers.

"We ain't got time for this! Move your asses! More are on the way!" Bill shouted, bringing the both of us out of our momentary daze.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now