Chapter 12

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"Jesus Christ. Marlene set us up? Why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl?" I asked going over to Tess then looking over at Ellie.

"I'm not infected," she said.

"No? So was this lying?" I said tossing the scanner to her.

"I can explain," she said.

"You better explain fast," Tess said.

Ellie pulled up her sleeve to reveal a bite on her forearm.

"Look at this!" she said.

"I don't care how you got infected," I retorted.

"It's three weeks old," she said.

"No. Everyone turns within two days. So you stop bullshitting," Tess said.

"It's three weeks. I swear. Why would she set you up?" she said.

I looked over at Tess.

"I ain't buying it," I said turning away.

I then saw the lights and heard the trucks.

"Oh shit. Tess, run. RUN!" I shouted.

"Go. Go. MOVE!" Tess said getting Ellie to her feet.

We jumped down to the trenches where we could easily get cover. The patrols were now searching for us.

"Stay away from the lights," I said to them both.

The soldiers were scattered all around searching for us. They were fucking everywhere. We ducked and we climbed multiple pipes until we were almost past them.

"Hold up," Tess whispered.

There were some voices nearby and we all stood still.

"Ellie, when I give the signal, you're gonna run, you hear me?" Tess told Ellie.

"Run. Yeah. Got it," she said.

"Ready...RUN!" she shouted.

We took off running and didn't look back. We heard some shots but luckily none of them hit us. We'd managed to get rid of them.

"Okay, let's see where this pipe goes," I said after we had made our way into another trench.

The pipe led us right to a gate which I was able to open up easily. We were further into the city.

"Alright. Coast is clear, come on," I said holding the gate open for Tess and Ellie.

I closed it once the both of them were through. Ellie took a seat and caught her breath.

"They're gone," I said after listening for a few seconds.

Tess went over and knelt down next to Ellie.

"Look – what was the plan? Let's say that we deliver you to the Fireflies, what then?" she asked.

"Marlene... she said that they have their own little quarantine zone. With doctors there; still trying to find a cure," Ellie said.

"Yeah, we've heard that before, huh, Tess?" I retorted.

Ellie looked over at me then back at Tess.

"And that...whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine," she finished.

"Oh, Jesus," I scoffed.

"It's what she said," Ellie retorted.

"Oh, I'm sure she did," I said.

"Hey, fuck you, man. I didn't ask for this," she said standing up.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now