Chapter 38 - Beth

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Ellie and I walked into the room to see Sam with the several cans of peaches we had found, laid out in front of him.

"Well it's safe to say that those two have officially bonded," Ellie said.

Sam didn't say anything.

"Sam? You okay, honey?" I asked leaning against the wall closest to the door.

"Did Henry send you two?" he retorted.

"No. Why would Henry send us?" Ellie asked.

"To make sure I'm not fucking up somehow," Sam said.

"I'd say we all did pretty good back there – especially you," Ellie said.

"I agree. We all wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you," I said.

He stood up and looked out a window that we hadn't covered up.

"Sam? Is everything alright?" Ellie asked.

"Everything's fine," he said.

Ellie looked at me but I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe there was something that he wasn't telling us. Those clickers were a real close call. Maybe all that freaked him out in some way.

"Okay...well...have a good night, I guess," Ellie said.

She signaled for us to leave.

"How is it that you guys are never scared?" he turned to ask us.

"Who says we're not?" I retorted.

"Ellie, what are you scared of?" he asked.

"Um...scorpions are pretty creepy," she said.

He rolled his eyes and looked back outside.

"Beth?" he asked.

"Lots of things, Sam," I said.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Losing more people I care about. But ultimately, losing myself in the process," I said.

"You wanna try your answer again, Ellie?" he asked.

"Uh...Being by myself. I'm scared of ending up alone. What about you?" she said.

She would never be alone. I swore that I'd never let that happen to her.

"Those things out there, what if the people are still inside? What if they're trapped in there, without any control of their body? I'm scared of that happening to me," he said.

"That won't happen to you, Sam. We're all gonna work together to keep you two safe," I said.

"Yeah. We're a team now. And to answer your question, they might still look like people, but that person is not in there anymore," Ellie said.

"Henry says that, 'they've moved on.' That they're with their families. Like in heaven. Do you guys think that's true?" he asked.

"I'd like to believe that. Yeah," I said.

"I go back and forth. I'd like to believe it too. I really would," she said.

"But you don't," he said.

"I guess not," she said.

"I for one do believe it. They don't have go through any of the hardships we do. They're in a much better place," I said.

I couldn't help but think of Sarah. Although she had gone before really having to go through what Joel and I had to, I had to believe that she was in a better place. In a sense, she was.

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