Chapter 13

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Many twists and turns later and after fighting off infected that had inhabited the building, we had finally reached what looked like a different building. The two buildings more than likely merged when the bombs were dropped.

"You know, I was thinking...after we get back, we can take it easy for a little while," Tess said as we were climbing down some rubble.

"You want to take it easy?" I asked a little shocked.

"Hey you're the one always going on about laying low," she retorted.

"And you always brushed me off," I said.

"Well, I won't this time," she said.

"I'll believe it when I see it," I said.

We came to a stairwell that was blocked by concrete.

"Look at this," I said as I got closer.

"Another Firefly. Goddammit. These guys aren't doing well in or out of the city. Let's hope there's someone alive to meet us at the drop off," I said.

We took a turn and could hear clicking not too far.

"Get down," I said.

We hid behind a fallen filing cabinet.

"God, we're almost out," Tess whispered.

She then turned to me.

"Okay, Joel, you take point. I'll watch the rear," she said.

I nodded. She then turned to Ellie.

"Ellie, no matter what, you stay right on his heels," she said.

"Sure thing," Ellie said.

"Stay sharp," Tess added.

"I got this," I whispered.

I watched my step as I came closer to the first clicker. Once I was close enough. I grabbed it and used my shiv to put it down. There was three more that needed to be dealt with and once that was over, it was smooth sailing. After I took out a few more infected that surprised us, we were able to reach the outside once again.

"Holy shit. We actually made it," Ellie said sounding relieved.

"Everyone okay?" I asked.

"Yes. Let's move," Tess said as we kept going.

"You guys are pretty good at this stuff," Ellie commented.

"It's called luck and it is gonna run out," I said.

We were at another worn down street.

"Which way, Tess?" I asked looking over at her.

"Uh. The Capitol building's in this direction," she said.

The direction we needed to go was blocked by a truck. It was too high for any one of us to be boosted up. I went in searched for something we could use to climb in while running into infected at the same time. I took them out easily.

"They're recently infected. Those soldiers must've just turned," Tess said after I'd taken them out.

"Which means there're more in the area. We gotta go," I said.

I went and grabbed a dumpster and pushed it toward the truck.

"Alright. This'll do. Come on," I said climbing the dumpster and the truck.

Once we all were over, we quickly saw that it was a dead end. "Joel, over there," Tess said pointing her flashlight toward a garage door.

"Nice spotting. Maybe we can cut through here," I said.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now