Chapter 51 - Ellie

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I didn't want to tell Beth the truth about David and James. I didn't want to have her worrying about something else if she didn't need to. She must have been going crazy when she came to the house before I did. She didn't need to know about it. She had fallen asleep and it didn't take long for me to do the same.

I don't know how long I had been asleep but something woke me up. I laid still and I was able to hear some voices coming from outside the house. I looked down at my hand and saw that Beth had her hand on top of mine. As carefully as I could, I removed my hand from under hers. I then climbed the washing machine and carefully looked out the only window that was down here. Hunters were spread out all throughout the neighborhood.

"Oh fuck. They tracked me," I whispered.

I climbed off of the washer and looked to both Beth and Joel. Beth was fast asleep and Joel didn't look to be shivering as much as he was before. The medicine must have kicked in.

"I'm gonna draw them away from here. I'll come back for you guys," I whispered.

Beth was gonna have a cow when she woke up and didn't see me there. But it's all my fault that they tracked me here. I should have been more careful. I had to make it up to them. I just had to. I grabbed my backpack and quietly left the basement. I went straight to the garage where I grabbed the reigns to Callus then opened the door. I had him move out and made sure Fiona stayed behind.

"Easy..." I said as I shut the door.

I mounted Callus and had him go forward. I was hoping to be a good distance away before any of them noticed me but I wasn't counting on one of them finding me so quickly.

"Hey! She's over here! I got her," one of them shouted.

He tried to pull me off the horse but I fought back. I reached for my knife then shoved it through his neck. He fell to the ground and I turned to see who had seen.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot her!" another ordered.

"GO!" I shouted.

Callus took off as fast as he could and then the gunfire started.

"Beth will surely hear those. Shit," I said.

"Grab her!" I heard multiple voices shouting.

"Come on, Callus!" I said.

Everywhere I looked, I could see those assholes come out of the shadows.

"How many of these fuckers are there?" I said.

"Shoot the horse! Shoot the fucking horse!" I heard someone say.

I made Callus go faster. Right when I thought we had made it out, a gunshot came out of nowhere and hit Callus. He neighed and he took me down a hill. We rolled down it until we had reached the bottom. I grunted and rolled over. I looked to my left and saw Callus unresponsive. They had gotten him.

"Oh Callus," I said.

I had to keep going. I could hear voices from the top of the hill but didn't dare look back. There was a wooden cabin that had a window that I quickly made my way to. I got in and got out my bow and arrow, ready to take out any of the assholes that came my way.

"Forgive me, guys," I whispered before I made my way deeper into the house.

I really hoped that Beth didn't come after me. She needed to stay back at the house to make sure that Joel was okay. It might have been stupid of me to come out here on my own but it was my burden to bear. Not theirs. I searched the room for anything that could be of use. Once it was cleared, I moved into the hallway that led to the living room. I heard voices coming from outside that caused me to grip my bow a little tighter.

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