Chapter 30 - Beth

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Joel came down and joined me a few minutes later. We were currently hiding behind some concrete dividers.

"So, she gonna cover us?" I asked when he came up next to me.

"Is that the reason you left us up there?" he asked.

"I will neither confirm nor deny that," I said taking out my knife.

"I'm gonna get you back for that," he said with a smirk.

"Sure you will. Let's get this done shall we?" I said.

"After you," he said.

"I'll go this way and you go that way. Yeah?" I said.

"Meet you on the other side," he said.

"Yeah, you will," I said.

We both went in opposite directions. There was a lot of them so we needed to get this done carefully. I made my way to a building nearby right when one of them came running out of nowhere and screaming like a madman. As I listened closely to what was being said, I couldn't help but smile. They had underestimated us and were in disbelief that a batch of 'tourists' as they had put it, could take out a whole crew of them. Well, we weren't any ordinary batch of tourists and now they all knew that. One of them was heading into the building I was currently in. I ducked behind a bench and watched as he made his way into it. They were all fully alert and looking for us now. This was gonna be interesting. The second the guy turned away, I crawled under the bench and snuck up behind him. Grabbing him by the neck, I drove my knife deep into it until he had stopped breathing. I stood there for a little while to see if I could spot Joel anywhere. Unfortunately, I couldn't. I had to keep going and hope that he was kicking ass like I knew he could. I ducked out of the building and hid behind a car. I quickly scoped out the area to see which one I could take out next. My eyes then caught sight of one of them going down. Looking closer, I saw it was all Joel's doing. I smiled and made my way to the hunter that was closest to me. I did the same thing I had done to the first. A little bit longer and we would be clear of these guys. That couldn't come quick enough. As I was looking for another guy to drive my knife through, I hadn't been keeping an eye on who was creeping up behind me. It only took seconds before the asshole had gotten ahold of me and placed one hand behind my back.

"Look what I found guys!" he shouted.

Shit. He made me stand up and walked me over to the center of the buildings for everyone to see. There were five other men that came out of the shadows. I couldn't try anything. I was outnumbered and they'd surely kill me if I did.

"Where are the others?" another that was coming closer toward me asked.

"Others? What others? It's just me," I said.

"Bullshit. Are we just supposed to believe you took out all of our men?" he asked.

"Hmm. Well that depends. Which men were they?" I retorted.

He then went ahead and slapped me across the face. Well, that was stupid of me.

"Where are the others?" he asked again.

"Do we really have to go through this again?" I said.

He hit me again and this time, I spat out blood.

"You're a pretty thing. When we're done with you, we'll take what you have," the one holding me in place said.

"Yeah. That's not gonna happen," I said.

"And why's that?" the other asked.

"Cause you were right the first time. I'm not alone," I said.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now