Chapter 45 - Joel

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I woke up to the feel of Beth in my arms and the sound of her steady breathing. I kissed her bare shoulder and carefully moved my arm away from her. We were covered in our clothes and I went ahead and got mine and started getting dressed. Our body heat had done the trick to keep us warm but I wanted to make sure Ellie was okay. I slipped out quietly and made my toward the fire that was surprisingly still lit. She was huddle by it and I knew that she was okay. I went toward one of the windows and looked out. Dawn was slowly approaching. We'd all have to get moving soon. But I'd let them get just a few more minutes of shut eye in. What happened between Beth and I suddenly came flooding back into my mind and I couldn't help but smile. For that short but exhilarating moment, it was as if the two of us were back home, trying to get the chance to be intimate with each other whenever Sarah wasn't around or was asleep in her room. I desperately wanted that back. The normality of everything before all this. But this was the world now. We'd been through some ups and downs but in the end, Beth and I had managed to find each other again. Having Ellie with us was a bonus. I turned back to look at the little girl that had broken my heart but repaired it at the same time. I'd like to think my Sarah would have approved of her feisty demeanor if she was still here. That thought made my smile go even wider.

"Well I haven't seen that smile in a long time," Beth said.

I looked toward her and she was dressed again and making her way to me.

"What are you doing up? I had wanted to give you a few more minutes," I said.

She wrapped her arms around me and placed her chin on my chest.

"I got cold and that woke me up. I had to come see where my heater had gone to," she said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm your personal heater now?" I asked.

"You're my personal everything. I wouldn't have it any other way," she said.

Boy did she know the right things to say to have me wrapped around her finger.

"God, woman. Does it bring you pleasure having me wrapped around your little finger?" I asked.

"A whole lot of it," she said.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulled me down until our lips met.

"I love you," I whispered when we parted.

"I love you more," she whispered back.

We then heard Ellie stirring and that caused us to look over at her. Before long her eyes opened and she sat up. She yawned and then looked over at us.

"Hey, you lovebirds. Is it time to get up already?" she asked.

"Unfortunately," Beth said going over to the fire.

She tended to it to make sure the flames didn't go out. We each then worked together to get breakfast out.

"What do we give Callus and Fiona to eat?" Ellie asked after we'd finished our canned food.

"Callus...what kind of name is that?" I asked.

"Hey. It's not my fault that you didn't think to ask Tommy their names. Fiona is a good name isn't it?" she asked.

"I don't mind Fiona but Callus...I don't like it," I said.

"Well that's too bad. I think Callus has gotten used to his name," Beth said.

"We've got some canned peaches. Have them share it," I said rolling my eyes at them.

Ellie smiled then stood up to get the peaches.

"A building that looks like a mirror. That's what Tommy said to be on the lookout for," Beth said.

"A giant mirror," I corrected.

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