Chapter 7

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"Get down!" he whispered harshly.

We went and ducked behind the cashier's counter. I pulled out my machete and held it firmly. It didn't take long to hear the moans and groans of the infected.

"They were drawn by the music. I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry, Beth," Adrien whispered.

"We're gonna get out of here," I whispered back.

There was the sound of shelves being knocked down. Adrien carefully took a peek over the counter.

"There's too many of them," he said.

"We'll wait it out. They have to leave eventually," I said.

"It's gonna be dark soon. Travelling back at night isn't safe. This place isn't secure enough to last us the night," he said.

He started taking off his backpack then handed it to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked starting to panic.

"I'm gonna distract them and you're gonna make a run for it," he said.

"Are you crazy? I'm not gonna leave you. We can take them out together," I said.

"It's too dangerous, Beth," he said.

"I don't give a shit. I'm not leaving you to die," I argued.

He took my face in his hand and kissed me deeply.

"I love you, Beth Miller. That clicker almost taking my life was the best thing to have ever happened to me. Thank you for saving me in more ways than one," he said kissing me once more.

"Please...please don't do this. I won't lose you too," I said fighting back my tears.

"You keep fighting. Honor me the same way you honor your daughter. I hope you find your husband again. I love you so much," he said.

He took his machete and was getting ready to stand up but I held him tightly.

"Adrien," I begged.

"It'll be over soon," he said kissing my forehead.

He went to the edge of the counter that was closest to the entrance.

"Hey! Over here!" he shouted then took off.

The moans and the groans followed him. My heart sunk. I couldn't let him die that way. I just couldn't. So I took my backpack off and went after him. While the clickers and runners focused on him, I started taking them out from behind.

"BETH! GET OUT OF HERE!" I heard him scream.

"NOT WITHOUT YOU!" I screamed back.

I didn't dare stop. There was more of them than I had ever seen in one place. Relief washed over me as I saw him starting to take them out too. The both of us swung our machetes with as much force as we could muster. I didn't let up and I hoped that he never did as well. The bodies started to pile up and I was finally able to start breathing again. I took out the last one and exhaled heavily. I looked across the parking lot and smiled when I saw Adrien still standing. I slowly started making my way to him and he did the same.

My smile quickly faded though when I saw a clicker emerge from the trees which was where Adrien was closest to.

"Behind you!" I shouted as I broke into a run.

But he turned too late. The clicker got a hold of him and took a big chunk of his neck.

"NO!" I screamed.

I knocked the clicker away from him once I was there and swung my machete across its throat. Adrien had fallen to the ground and I knelt down next to him. There was so much blood as he pressed his hand against his neck.

"You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay," I said, starting to cry.

"Kill...Kill me," he said hoarsely.

"No. I...I can't," I said.

"Don't...Don't let me turn," he said.

"Adrien..." I sobbed.

"Please," he begged.

He reached his hand over and placed it on my cheek.

" fight," he said.

I held his hand and kissed it.

"I love you," I whispered.

He slowly let a smile spread across his face.

"Do it," he said.

He turned his head toward the sky and kept smiling. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at his head. I looked away as I pulled the trigger. The shot rang out and I gasped. I sobbed uncontrollably and felt numb. I held his body and rocked back and forth. I sat there like that for who knows how long. It wasn't until my head started hurting that I looked up and at the other bodies that were around me.

"I will honor you," I whispered.

I carefully got up and placed his head carefully on the ground. I ran my hands down my face and sniffled. I stood up and headed back to the station. I picked up my backpack along with his and was about to head back home but I stopped. I looked around to see if there was any way I could carry Adrien's body back to our home. He deserved a proper burial. I looked at the shelves that were scattered around the floor. I could make something out of them. Not wasting any time, I got to work. Half an hour later, I had managed to make something that resembled a type of sleigh. I attached rope to either side and would be pulling his body home. I went back outside with both our backpacks along with the shelves. I covered him up with a tarp I had found and rolled him onto the shelves. I placed the backpacks next to him and started pulling him into the woods. I kept pulling even after my legs started to burn and my hands began to form blisters. I wasn't gonna stop until we were home. Even if it got dark, I would get him there one way or another. The sun had just started to set when I finally got home. I was exhausted but there was still light that I could use to my advantage. I took him to the back, which was how we always came in through, and took the backpacks into the house. I came back out with a shovel and got to work. I didn't care if every bone in my body was aching, this was going to get done. By the time I was finished, there was hardly any light left. I carefully lowered him into the hole and covered it up. I knelt down next to the mound of dirt and just looked at it. I longed to hear his voice again. To hear him say that it was all a hoax and to feel him wrap his arms around me. But that was never gonna happen again. I was alone once more but it felt differently this time. I had gotten so used to having him around that I had completely forgotten what it was like. I started to think about Sarah. Then I thought about Joel and Tommy. I wondered if the two were still alive. There was no way of me knowing for sure. They could be halfway across the world for all I knew. But what I did know for certain was that I had to keep going. I had to. There was no giving up for me. I had to go on for Sarah and now for Adrien. He wanted me to see Joel again. Maybe I would and maybe I wouldn't. Either way, I had to keep fighting just like he wanted me to. That's what I'd do. But not now. Now was time for grieving. Standing up and wiping the dirt off the back of my pants, I walked back into the house, locked it up and went to our room. Grabbing his pillow which still smelled like him, I cried my eyes out until I finally fell asleep.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now