Chapter 8

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2 years later...

After Adrien, I isolated myself in the house. I rarely went out because I had everything that I needed and food that could last me a while. There was no reason for me to go out. Until today. My ratios had finally started to thin and getting a few more weapons wouldn't hurt. It had been a little over two years since I last paid Bill a visit. The time had finally come. He was always the go to person back when I was with Joel and Tommy. And then Adrien had met him. I often looked at his grave and wished that he was here. But he wasn't. There was nothing I could do about that. There was a possibility that I wouldn't be back by night fall and so I packed all that I had left. If that was the case, I'd have to do a lot of persuading Bill to get me to stay for the night. I was sure Frank wouldn't mind but Bill was a whole different story. I put on my backpack and headed toward town. As I made my way through the woods, I made sure to stay alert for anything. When I heard a twig snap, I froze in place and waited. The sound of clicking could be heard from a distance. I cursed under my breath as I picked up a rock and threw it in the direction the clicking had come from. A few seconds later, the clicker came into view and moved in a circle, trying to listen for another indication of its prey being where it stood. I pulled out my machete and whistled until it started coming toward me. Once it was close enough, I swung as hard as I could, right across the neck. I wiped the blade with a rag and stood there for a few more minutes. I listened for any other sound that wasn't human. When none came, I continued to Bill's

The second I reached the town, I knew I needed to be cautious of Bill's traps. I was certain he had upped his game since the last time I was here. His paranoia is what made him one of the best people to know. He was always prepared for worst case scenario. And he was one cranky son of a bitch but compared to all the other assholes I'd come across in the past, he was a peach. I made sure to check and double check for any tripwires. I didn't want to die before I reached him. That was not on the agenda. There was no one in sight which was how Bill liked it more than likely. The town was different. Everywhere I looked, there was one crazy contraption after another. Nothing dead or alive could make it here for long.

"Damn, Bill. You really have outdone yourself," I whispered.

I knew of the place that Bill called home here. I had to get there and hope that I didn't get myself killed on the way over. After carefully stepping over tripwires and avoiding traps as best I could, I had made it to Bill's place. I sighed in relief when I saw the doors that led to his basement come into view. I made my way over but right when I was about to open them up, the sound of a gun being clicked was heard from behind me.

"Don't move," Bill said.

I held my hands up as I said, "Hey, Bill. Long time no see."

"What the hell are you doing here, Beth?" he asked while checking for bites.

"Just wanted to come by and say hello. It's been a long time," I said.

"Try again," he retorted.

"Fine. I just need a few supplies. Then I'll leave," I said.

"Stand up and turn around," he ordered.

It was better not to argue so I did as he asked.

"Why in the holy hell would I give you supplies? You got some the last time," he said.

"Well, stuff happens. I need just a little more. Give me some and you'll never see me again. I promise," I said.

"Is Adrien looking for Frank to convince him?" he asked.

I hadn't heard anyone else speak his name in so long that it kind of caught me off guard.

"No. He uh...he died a little over two years ago," I said softly.

Bill paused and looked at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Well, better for you then. Having someone you care about would just slow you down anyway. You've been alone all this time?" he said.

"Yup. Took a page out of your book and kept to myself since. But I've finally started to run low on supplies. Will you please give me some? After all we've been through, giving a few wouldn't kill you," I said.

"No. That's what the infected are for," he retorted.

"Exactly. So what do you say?" I said.

He was about give an answer when an explosion went off in the distance. He looked over at me.

"You sure you came alone?" he asked.

"I just told you I did. Maybe a clicker set it off," I said.

He thought for a second.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right," he said.

Before we could get back to our conversation, another explosion went off.

"Shit! Someone must have found their way here. Tell you what, you help me get rid of these assholes and whatever you need is yours," he bargained.

"Fair enough," I said.

I pulled out my gun and followed close behind him. There was one more explosion before we had made it to the middle of town.

"We're getting closer to them," Bill whispered.

There were clickers and runners that could be heard not far from where we stood. We ran toward the building that it had been coming from with our weapons at the ready. As we got closer, shouting was heard between two people. One was that of a little girl and the other a man.

"Shit," Bill said.

He held onto his machete and ran into the beaten down building. I followed him and made eye contact with the little girl first since she was the closest one to my right. Bill had just finished slicing up a runner that was hovered over someone else. When he moved the body out of the way, my heart almost stopped. Although he had aged since I last saw him, I could never forget that rugged face of his.

"Joel?" I breathed.

He looked over at me and our eyes locked at that very instant. It had been so long since I gazed into those eyes of his. I didn't know what else to do.

"Beth?" he said.

Bill held his hand out to him and he stood. The both of us stood there just looking at one another.

"We ain't got time for this! Move your asses! More are on the way!" Bill shouted, bringing the both of us out of our momentary daze.

We looked around and sure enough, more infected had broken through the fence and were coming right for us. I looked over at Joel.

"We gotta go," I said.

"Quickly. Ellie! Let's go," he said.

"Move!" Bill ordered.

The three of us followed Bill out the building. He closed the shutter door and made sure it was locked before he turned to face us.

"Keep moving. We don't have much time before they come around," Bill said.

I made sure the little girl named Ellie was in front of me. I had so many questions going on in my head. The most prominent was why she was with Joel?

"They're coming over the trucks. Move!" Bill shouted making me leave my thoughts behind.

"Where to, Bill?" Joel asked.

"Uh..." he said trying to see which way would be our best option.

"Bill!" Joel pushed.

"This way. Come on!" Bill said.

We ran through an opening in between two truck until we were at another building that looked much more secure.

"Everybody in! Now!" Bill ordered.

We all piled in then Bill shut the door. Some banging was heard against it but we were safe, for now.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now