Chapter 44 - Beth

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The next few days we spent camping out in the woods. We made sure that we found a place to stay for the nights considering they were much colder now. I was still over the moon at the fact that Joel had changed his mind. I didn't want to leave him, I really didn't. But I was willing to do so for Ellie. She was all that mattered now. She was our mission and we had to see it through. I started to think about after. After all this was done, I wanted to stick with her. Hopefully Joel had the same idea in mind. Once we got her to the Fireflies, they would more than likely extract her blood in order to make a vaccine. A vaccine that could bring the world back to the way it was. She was the one that could change the effects of the outbreak. I wondered if she thought about this. I wondered if she knew how much her life really meant. At the same time, I wondered if she was scared. Having such a huge weight on her shoulders, it wasn't hard to think that that was something she constantly had on her mind. I'm sure she had. But no matter what we went through, she was hardly phased by it. I'd like to think that she was determined to make it to the Fireflies. She was the cure and she accepted this. That's a lot for a 14 year-old to carry around. Which gave me all the more reason to make sure that no harm came to her.

"We're only a few more miles away from Colorado. The university is located only a few minutes from the city line. We should be there by late afternoon at the latest," Joel said as we were huddled up around a fire in an abandoned factory we had found.

"Well then we should get some rest for tomorrow then, right?" Ellie said.

"You're learning fast, Ellie," I teased.

She rolled her eyes at me and nudged my knee.

"I do know a few things, okay," she said.

"I know. I just like to tease," I said.

"Joel? Tell her to stop teasing me. She listens to you," she said.

Joel chuckled.

"Oh, Ellie. If you believe that, then you've got so much more to learn," Joel said.

"I listen to you, Joel. You know...on occasion," I retorted.

We all then burst into laughter. It felt nice.

"Okay. That's enough. Get some sleep you two," he said.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'll keep an eye out for things," he said.

"Tell you what, wake me up in a few hours so I can take the next shift yeah?" I said.

"Sure, Beth," he said.

"I'm serious, Joel. You'll get an earful from me if you don't," I said.

"Fine. I'll wake you up in a few hours," he said.

"Well, there's nothing I have to worry about," Ellie said as she laid down to make herself comfortable.

"Oh what it would be to get the chance to be a kid again," I said.

"Yeah, I know. I'm the lucky one," she said.

"Go to sleep, kiddo," I said with a smile.

She laughed and then rested her head on her hand.

"Don't forget, in a few hours," I reminded Joel.

"In a few hours, I promise," he said.

I went ahead and laid down then closed my eyes. We took advantage of sleep when we could. It was such a luxury nowadays.

I was slowly starting to regain consciousness again before I slowly opened my eyes. The fire had been put out and it was a little colder. Joel's back was towards me as I sat up.

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