Chapter 10

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Once we were out in the open, it was safe to remove our gas masks.

"Ah. Fresh air. That's the one thing I love about being outside," Tess said.

"It's kind of like we're on a date," I retorted.

"Oh? Is that what you'd call it?" she asked.

"I have always been the romantic type," I said.

"Okay. Sure, Texas. We get this done, maybe we'll go on a real one," she said.

"Sounds good to me," I retorted looking over and smiling at her.

She smiled back then nudged my shoulder.

"Let's keep going," she said.

And so we did. We'd finally reached Area 5 after half an hour. All we needed was to sneak by without any of Robert's men finding out we were here. He'd surely run if he knew. We talked to the right people and were able to get to one of the places he was running. The whole sneaking past his men didn't pan out the way we had wanted. Unfortunately, word had gotten out that Tess and I were in town looking for Robert and a couple of his men had come over to stop us.

"Tess. Joel. Turn around," one of his men said.

"Our beef isn't with you. We're just gonna talk to Robert," Tess said trying to sound as level-headed as possible.

"You think we're stupid enough to believe that?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter what you think. We're not leaving until we see Robert," Tess retorted.

"Listen, bitch. That's not gonna happen. Turn the fuck around and leave," he said.

Tess sighed. I knew she was about to start something. She pulled out her gun and fired.

"Fuck this," she said.

Tess ducked behind some metal air vents and I quickly followed her.

"You're gonna pay for that," one of the other two men still alive said.

"I'll take the one on the left," she said. "I know the drill," I muttered.

"Show yourselves!" another man shouted.

Staying crouched, I made my way closer to the one on the right. I took him out easily while Tess shot down the other one. We were back in business.

"Asshole knows we're on him," Tess said.

"Obviously. But do you really think that's gonna stop us?" I retorted.

"No. Hell no," she said sternly.

"Okay. Well let's keep going then shall we?" I said.

A couple of hours later and we had made it to a shipyard where Robert got his people organized. It was gonna be an even bigger challenge to get to him since he had more men roaming and guarding the place.

"That cocky son of a bitch," Tess commented as they overlooked the place from behind a crate.

"We can do this. We take care of these guys and then getting to Robert will be a breeze," I said.

"Fast and quiet?" she asked looking over at me.

"It is my favorite way to do things," I said.

She chuckled lightly.

"You go this way and I'll go that way," she said.

"I'll see you on the other side," I said.

She nodded and took off. I gave her a few seconds head start and then I went the other direction. One by one, Robert's men went down as the both of us either choked them out or took a shiv to them. When they were all down, Tess and I took the ammo the men had with them. One of them had a key that unlocked Robert's office and we were ready to get to him.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now