Chapter 22 - Beth

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Once the four of us were on top of the bleachers, we made our way out of a shattered window.

"Watch where you place your hands," I said.

Bill was out before any of us. Joel, Ellie and I waited for each other to make it out.

"This way. Move your asses!" Bill called.

"I have a feeling we're gonna have to run again," I said.

"Yeah. I'm getting used to that," Ellie said.

We followed where Bill had gone and it wasn't long until we were met with the infected.

"Hurry! We're sitting ducks here," Bill said.

"Bill! There's a ladder over by that fence there," I said quickly taking notice.

"Everybody up and over!" Joel said.

We quickly made our way over the fence. I turned to make sure Joel was right behind us. As soon as he was over, Bill used a broom to knock the ladder away. We all stood there for a bit catching our breaths.

"Inside the house now," Bill said.

We all moved it along. Bill closed the sliding door and we were able to breathe a little easier.

"So, that worked out well," Ellie said.

"It definitely could have been worse," I said.

I looked over at Joel and he had a stern look on his face.

"Okay...I'll uh...I'll go check out this side of the house," Ellie said then turned to take off.

"Bill?" Joel said.

"Somebody had the same idea. They stole my shit," Bill retorted.

"Well then what the hell is plan B?" he asked.

"You ought to be thankful you're still drawing breath. That was plan A, B, C, all the way to fucking Z. And furthermore, tell Tess that she can take this job –" Bill started but Joel got defensive.

"Don't you bring Tess into this!" he shouted.

"Guys! Stop!" I shouted trying to meet them in the middle.

"She can shove it right up –" Bill continued.

"This has nothing to do with –" Joel began.

"Frank?" I said loud enough for the both of them to hear.

That got Bill's attention. He turned to look at me then followed my gaze. Joel did the same.

"Jesus. What? Do you know this guy or something?" Joel asked.

I looked over at him with misty eyes.

"Frank," Bill said.

"Who the hell is Frank?" Joel asked turning to look at the both of us.

His eyes met mine and he quickly apologized with them.

"He was my partner. He's the only idiot that would wear a shirt like that," Bill said.

"We...we can get him down," I said as I wiped my eyes.

"No," Bill said.

He pulled out his machete and cut the rope Frank had used to hang himself.

"Bill..." I started.

"He's got bites. Here. And..." Bill said.

I went up and placed my hand on his shoulder.

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