Chapter 26 - Beth

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It didn't take us long to come across a street that rain waters more than likely flooded.

"Get down," Joel suddenly said.

The three of us hid behind one of the cars that had been abandoned. I saw two hunters straight ahead. They had moved a plank from in between two trailer trucks and disappear into what looked like a hotel.

"Alright. I don't think they saw us," Joel said standing up.

"This girl is so skinny," Ellie said.

I turned to see what she was looking at. It was a poster in some store that sold fancy clothes.

"I thought you guys had plenty of food in your time," she said.

"We did. Some just chose not to eat it," Joel said.

"Why the hell not?" she asked.

"Most of the time it was for looks," I said.

"Well, that's stupid," she retorted.

"Yeah. I know. Come on, let's see how we're gonna get out of here," I said.

"There's no other way around so we gotta go through the hotel," Joel said.

"How are we gonna get there?" Ellie asked.

I looked between the two trailer trucks. There was a possibility that I could make that jump.

"I got it," I said.

Without another word, I went deeper into the water. The trailer to my left led to a coffee shop. I made my way inside and saw that there was a plank that led to the top of the trailer. I tried moving it but it was so wet that it made it hard to budge. The place reeked off rotten wood too. I walked the plank and was on top of the trailer. I walked out to where I could see the trailer across from me.

"Beth? No. Beth. There has to be another way to do this," Joel said.

"Relax. I know what I'm doing," I said.

I could make that jump. If I didn't, it would be embarrassing. I took in a few breaths and backed up to get a running start.

"Beth. Come down," Joel called.

But I already had my mind set on getting this done. So without anything more, I ran and forced myself to jump as high as I could. I had made it and rolled onto the trailer. I took hold of the railing on the side to keep myself from falling into the water again. I sighed in relief and smiled at myself. I stood up and made sure everything was working fine. When I was satisfied with my self-check-up, I made my way to the edge of the trailer and moved the plank to the other one.

"Now you guys need to find a way up here," I said.

"You're gonna give me a fucking heart attack one of these days," Joel called.

"Well that would be the most normal thing that could happen," I retorted.

He rolled his eyes.

I saw as Joel and Ellie exchanged some words before watching Ellie climb onto Joel's back and them heading into the coffee shop. Shit. Ellie couldn't swim. Maybe I should have waited for us to find another way. I waited for the two of them to make their way across before I said anything.

"I didn't know," I said.

"Know what?" Ellie asked.

"That you couldn't swim. I'm sorry. I should have waited until we came up with a better plan," I said.

"Don't be. We got here. That's what's important," she said.

"Joel, I'm sorry for jumping the gun there," I said looking over at him.

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