Chapter 57 - Joel

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The three of us climbed some stairs that led to another gap that caused all our eyes to go wide.

"Oh man," Ellie said.

There in front of us was water that had a heavy current going. It was pretty high and most of the cars were submerged into it. We had to be careful about this. One wrong step and we could end up in that water. There was no other way we could go. We had to go through here.

"You stay in between us, Ellie. No matter what," I said.

"You don't have to tell me twice," she said.

"This way," I said.

We walked across the hoods of some cars that had managed to form a path until we reached a gap. We'd have to jump. I went first and made it onto the side of a bus. The water was crashing against so many things that we had to yell at each other in order to hear.

"Come on, Ellie," I shouted.

"You're gonna catch me?" she asked a little hesitant.

"I got you," I assured her.

She backed up a little and then jumped as high as she could. I took her hand and helped her up.

"See? You didn't even need me," I said.

"Let's get the hell off this thing. Beth come on," she said.

Beth also took a few steps back and then jumped.

"Well, that was scarier than I had expected," she said.

I chuckled and turned to see Ellie ahead of us.

"Ellie. Let me lea–" I started but stopped at the sound of the bus creaking.

I looked back at Beth who had gone as white as a ghost.

"Oh shit. Ellie...Ellie move!" I shouted.

She ran and hopped onto a platform and I quickly followed. I looked back and reached my hand out to Beth but the bus gave way and started moving with the current.

"Beth! No!" I shouted.

She was trying her best to keep her balance but eventually the bus tipped to its side.

"Take Ellie and go!" was the last thing she shouted before she was in the water.

Ellie had been following the bus since it had started to tip. She was eyeing it closely and I knew what she was gonna do.

"Ellie, wait!" I shouted.

But she had jumped onto the bus before I could finish.

"I made it. I fucking made it!" she shouted.

I went in after her and had seen that she had landed on the bus door.

"Ellie! Get the hell off this thing!" I heard Beth shout.

The door was jammed and she and Ellie were both trying to get it open.

"Ugh! Open you piece of shit!" Ellie shouted in frustration.

The three of us tried our damnedest to get the door open.

It had finally opened and Ellie was reaching her hand to Beth.

"C'mon let's get you...Oh shit. Shit! Joel! Beth!" Ellie shouted.

I grabbed her arm as the bus started tilting again.

"Joel! Get her out of here, before..." Beth said but it was too late.

The bus crashed into some concrete which sent Ellie and me into the water. The current took us a little bit further before it had died down. Ellie was floating in the middle of a gap that I could see light coming from and swam to her. I hadn't seen Beth come out and so I turned to see if there was a chance she had and just as I turned, I saw her swimming toward us. I grabbed Ellie and swam toward the light, certain that Beth would follow. I reached the surface and gasped for air. Seconds later I heard Beth do the same thing. She had reached me and helped pull Ellie out.

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