Chapter 25 - Joel

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I told her everything. Everything that had happened to Ellie and me right up to this point. Ellie had showed the bite on her arm to confirm with what I had told her.

"And so, we're heading for Tommy's. He'll know where to take her," I finished.

She was silent. It was hard for me to read what it was she was thinking.

"You're telling me that Ellie is the cure for mankind?" she asked after a while.

"I know it sounds crazy. But I've seen this girl breathe in enough spores to put down a dozen men. She's immune, Beth," I said.

She went over and rolled up Ellie's sleeve again.

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

"When I got it, it did. But...when it healed...I don't know. It was like I couldn't feel it anymore," Ellie said.

"And you feel...okay?" Beth continued.

"Yeah. There was no fever or anything," she said.

Beth then looked over at me.

"You know where Tommy is at? I mean after he left, we hardly heard anything from him," she said.

"Last I heard, he was somewhere in Wyoming. Which is where we're heading to," I said.

She nodded.

"Well, aren't you lucky that you have me around," she said.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when she said that.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked still shocked from her reaction.

"I said I wouldn't abandon you guys and I meant it. I ain't going anywhere. Not this time," she said.

What I wouldn't give to kiss her right at this moment. Now wasn't the time for that. We needed to get out of here as quickly as possible.

"Alright then. Let's get going," I said.

There was a door to the left that I checked. It was unlocked so I opened it up and went through. It led to a stair way. I turned to make sure the two were right behind me then led us upstairs.

"'d you two know?" Ellie asked.

"Know what?" I asked.

"About the ambush," she said.

I looked back at Beth.

"We've...uh...we've been on both sides, Ellie," Beth said.

"Oh. So...uh you two kill a lot of innocent people?" she asked.

Neither of us said anything.

"I'll take that as a yes," Ellie said.

"Take it however you want," I said.

We had reached the top floor of the building. We made our way out of the place and the sun was shining brightly.

"These steps here," Beth said.

We followed her and stopped at the top.

"All right. There's the bridge. That's our way out of here," I said.

I looked over and the two had already climbed over one of the barricades.

"Slow down, you two. Wait for me," I said following them over the barricade.

"We're right here, Joel. We're not going anywhere," Beth said.

"We do this thing together, okay," I said when I reached the two.

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