Chapter 16

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The trees started to part to reveal a fence ahead of us. I jogged over and saw that it was tightly locked. I pushed against it and sighed in knowing that getting into town would be a challenge.

"We're gonna have to find another way around," I said.

"Give me a boost. I'll get it opened," Ellie said.

"No. There's wires on the top. Just give me a sec," I said.

I went over to the left to see if there was a way we could go over it.

"Whoa, look," she said.

I turned to see her with her arms spread out to her sides.

"Fireflies. I mean real fireflies," she said.

"Yeah, I see that," I said.

All around her were fireflies that were lighting up. It had been a long time since I'd seen those. After I proposed, Beth and I would come back to our field every chance we got. Sarah would always accompany us which made that place that much better. I hoped wherever Beth was, she was okay and safe. I couldn't go on if I knew she wasn't. She was my other half and if she was gone, what else was left of me?

"Joel?" Ellie said.

I shook my head and looked over at her.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine," I said turning back around to look for something to get us over the fence.

To the left of me was a pile of wood. I went over and started searching for something long and sturdy enough.

"Ah. Here we go," I said.

I picked it up, and carried it over to the small brick building that was at the center of the opened space Ellie and I were in.

"We're gonna walk across it?" she asked.

"Yeah. Come on," I said.

We climbed onto the roof of the building and I placed the plank in place where it connected to another brick building that was over the fence.

"Here we go," I said as I crossed from one building to the next.

I quickly took notice of some smoke not far from where we stood.

"That you, Bill?" I mumbled to myself.

"Where do you usually meet him? This Bill guy," Ellie asked.

"Huh? Oh uh, different places," I replied.

"You've never been here have you?" she said.

"Look, I know this is where he lives I ain't never been here, personally," I said.

"And that smoke, you think that's him?" she asked.

"Sure as hell better be," I said.

"Well, let's go check it out then," she said.

"Alright, come on," I said.

We went further past the fence until we were to a point where there was a gap in between it.

"Down here. Just watch your step. It's a good drop," I said.

We went through the hole and looked around for what we could scavenge. As I was keeping an eye out for things, I heard Ellie make one of the strangest sounds I'd ever heard.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm trying to learn how to whistle," she retorted.

"You don't know how to whistle?" I said.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now