Chapter 39 - Joel

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We buried Henry and Sam just outside the apartment building afterward and kept moving. Beth and Ellie wanted to talk about what it was that happened but I didn't. Things happen and we move on. That's how things are nowadays and I made sure the two knew that's how I felt. In all honesty, I was never great with losing people. I didn't like thinking about it too long cause I'd surely drive myself insane. Many times I thought when I'd be able to open up to Beth like I wanted to. She deserved that much from me. I didn't see that happening any time soon but maybe just maybe, one day I could. We didn't see a point in going to the radio tower. Since Sam and Henry weren't with us anymore, we felt it wasn't right. For the next few weeks, we moved from place to place, staying the night if we could. It was getting cooler and so we all scavenged for some thicker clothing. We eventually made it close to what looked like a power plant.

"Going through there might not be such a bad idea. We're only a few miles from Wyoming," Beth said.

"It's worth a shot," I said.

"Then let's go," Ellie pushed.

We had come across a small cliff that we needed to climb down and so that's what we did. The argument that Beth and I had had about Ellie got lost after losing Henry and Sam. I knew that she wasn't happy about my decision but we had more pressing matters to get to. We had reached the bottom and followed the river.

"You ready to see dear old brother?" Ellie asked.

"I'm just ready to get there," I said.

"You nervous?" she asked.

"I don't know what I'm feeling," I said.

"Guilt maybe," Beth said.

I looked over at her.

"Why would he feel guilty? Did something happened between you two?" Ellie asked.

"We just had a little bit of a disagreement. That's all," I said.

"It was a pretty big disagreement if you ask me," Beth retorted.

"Beth," I stopped and said.

"I'm just teasing you, Joel," she said.

We kept on walking.

"So...What was it about?" Ellie asked.

"Tommy saw the world one way and I saw it the other," I said.

"And that's why he joined the Fireflies?" she asked.

"Yup," Beth said.

"Your friend Marlene promised him hope. That kept him busy for a while but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too," I said.

"How was it? The last time you saw him?" she asked.

"It wasn't pretty," Beth said.

"Yeah. I believe his last words were, 'I don't ever want to see your god damned face again," I said.

"Jeez. And he's gonna help us?" she asked.

"Tommy is very reasonable if you talk to him. We tell him about our situation and he will," Beth said.

"Well, with or without his help, we'll get there," Ellie said.

Beth turned to look at her.

"Yeah...we will," she said.

"Let's just keep going," I said.

We turned a corner and we could see the power plant at work.

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