Chapter 29 - Joel

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I should have kissed her. Goddammit, I should have fucking kissed her. Who knew if we'd ever get the chance to again? She must have been thinking about Ellie, though. This trip was about her and getting her to where she needed to be. Beth and me...well we had time to get that right some other time. Maybe. All I knew was that I would never let her go. I would never let her go again. I was still very much in love with her. I wanted to know if she knew that. I exhaled a couple of shaky breaths when she turned to head back out to Ellie. I wiped my face, not wanting Ellie to start asking questions. If it was anyone else that had brought daughter, I would have punched their lights out. But it was Beth. She was the only one who could get away with it. She was right. She was the only person that knew what I was going through. She'd gone through it with me. My dependency on her was back and in full force. I'd try to ease up on Ellie. I didn't want to get too close though. I probably should have told Beth what it was I was planning on doing once we reached Tommy's. Would she be mad at me for making that decision and not telling her about it? Of course she would. But it was what I had decided to do when Tess asked me to do this. Beth was right. I didn't want to lose another child. It would be too much for me to take. This decision would be better for everyone. Well, maybe not everyone.

I made my way out and saw the both of them waiting for me.

"Alright, this way," I said moving past the both of them.

"He means well," I heard Beth whisper as I passed the two of them.

We came to a stairway that led one way and that was down.

"We need to get back out. Find that bridge. Watch this drop here," I said jumping off the staircase when there was a break in it.

"Just tell us where to go," Ellie retorted.

"I hate this crap," I whispered.

Guess she wasn't all that keen on letting me off the hook that easily. Perfect.

"Joel. Down this way," Beth said.

There was a hallway that led to a dining area. Yup this place was a fancy one alright.

"Wow, look at that," Ellie said going over to a set up to take pictures.

"Joel," Beth whispered.

I looked over at her. She nodded her head toward Ellie. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Go over and talk to her," she whispered.

She did ask me to try. I nodded and made my way over to Ellie.

"That's a...uh, that's a backdrop. People would take their pictures in front of it," I said as the both of us looked onto the tattered tropical beach backdrop.

"Yeah. I know what it is," she said with an attitude.

"Okay then, something on your mind, Ellie?" I scoffed.

If there was something that she needed to tell me, now would be the time.

"We weren't disobeying you back there or even trying to. Beth didn't want to wait and so she took charge to go and find you. And I was behind her all the way cause I thought that there was a possibility that you could get into trouble," she said.

"It don't matter what you thought. I need you to listen to me. Beth is another story but you, you need to listen to me. To us," I said.

"I do. It's just that...ugh. Whatever, Joel," she said turning back around to head to Beth.

I sighed. This was gonna take forever. Beth looked at me and asked 'well?' with her eyes. I just shook my head and started to look for a way out of here. There was a banister above us that led to an opened door. That way could work.

"That could be a way out," I said pointing to the door.

"How are we gonna get up there?" Beth asked. There was a stage in front of us that had a piano. "Might be able to get there with this," I said.

"It's worth a shot. Help me move it," she said.

The two of us started to push and were quickly surprised at the weight of the damn thing.

"Shit. This is heavier than I thought," I muttered as I kept pushing.

"You ain't kidding," she retorted.

We had managed to get it to where we needed it to be and climbed it.

"Yup. This leads out. Come on you two," I said.

We found ourselves in another dining room that had an opened window.

"Alright. This way come on," I said.

I made my way out and had to quickly duck down behind a lookout spot that the hunters more than likely set up. Beth and Ellie had come out to join me but I had them duck down as well. There were distant voices that I had heard and when I peeked over, I saw hunters talking.

"Shit," I said.

"God. Why the hell are there so many of these assholes? That's it. I'm gonna take care of these sons of bitches once and for all," Beth said starting to climb down a ladder.

"Beth, no. Let me," I said.

"I'll cover you. No point in arguing this, Joel. You won't win," she retorted.

Boy, did I know that.

"Okay. Ellie, we're gonna get down there and clear us a path," I said.

"What am I supposed to do?" she asked.

There was a rifle that coincidently happened to be by a lawn chair one of them must have used to keep a look out.

"You're gonna stay here," I said.

It was too dangerous for her to be out and about with these assholes.

"This is so stupid. We'd have more of a fucking chance if you'd let me help," she said.

"I am," I said.

"I'll wait for you down there, Joel," Beth said getting ready to climb down the ladder again.

"Hey, be careful," I said.

She gave me a thumbs up and was gone. I held up the rifle.

"Now, you seem to know your way around a gun. You reckon you can handle this?" I asked.

"Well, I sorta shot a rifle before. But it was at rats," she said.

"Rats?" I asked, starting to second guess this decision.

"With BBs," she said.

"Well, it's the same basic concept. Lift it up," I said.

She lifted it up and rested the neck on the wooden plank that had us hidden.

"Alright now, you're gonna wanna lean right into that stock cause it's gonna kick a hell of a lot more than any BB rifle," I said as I fixed how she was holding it.

"Okay," she said taking aim.

"Go ahead and pull the bolt back. Grab it right there. Just tug it. Yeah, just like that," I said as she did exactly what I was telling her to do.

"Now as soon as you fire, you're gonna want to get another round in there quick," I said.

She nodded.

"Listen to me – if Beth and I get in trouble down there, you make every shot count. Yeah?" I said.

"I got this," she said confidently.

"Alright," I said going over to the ladder.

There was something that she needed to hear before I left. I turned to look back at her.

"And just so we're clear about back was either him or me," I said.

She smiled.

"You're welcome," she said.

I nodded and headed down to join Beth. 

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now