Chapter 54 - Ellie

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I had fallen asleep even though I had tried my hardest not to.

"Wake-y, wake-y," someone said.

The next thing I knew, I was being dragged to the table I had seen James using to cut up the bodies. It was James who had dragged me from where I was staying.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

David was there too and had reached for me but I quickly bit down on his hand before he could take it any further. Both he and James then got hold of my arms and lifted me onto the table and held me down.

"I warned you," David said with a cleaver in his hand.

He raised it and was about to swing but I had something planned.

"I'm infected! I'm infected!" I shouted.

He chuckled.

"Really?" David asked.

"Yeah. And so are you. Right there. Roll up my sleeve. Look at it!" I said.

He chuckled but placed the cleaver right by my head.

"Alright. I'll play along," he said.

He rolled up my right sleeve to reveal my bite. He looked taken aback.

"What'd you say? Everything happens for a reason, right?" I said glaring at him.

"What the hell is that?" James asked.

"She would've turned by now. It can't be real," David said.

"Looks pretty fucking real to me!" James shouted.

David then turned for a second to look at the hand that I had bit and James had let go of me to step back. I used that moment to take the cleaver and swing it right on James' neck. He moved to the side which gave me a way out. There was a body that had been hung and I pushed it out of the way. I heard a gunshot but luckily, the corpse was the one that caught it. I moved to the wall next to me and took in a few breaths. I looked to my left and saw my knife they had taken from me. I grabbed it and went out the opened window that I was now looking at. I could hear David behind me and so I had to move as quickly as I could.

"Shit. What the fuck is wrong with these people," I said.

I think a blizzard was moving through cause it was hard to see anything.

"I have to find a way out of here," I told myself.

I quickly ducked into a building that I came across. I had to find another weapon. A knife was good but if I wanted to make sure these guys didn't mess with me, I needed a gun. I ducked under small doorways and small spaces until I could hear some voices. Shit. The word had gotten out that I had escaped. All the more reason to get that gun.

The men that were in the area I was in, decided to split up and search for me. I used the blizzard to my advantage. I made sure there was one of them close by before I went ahead and threw a beer bottle against the trashcan I was hiding behind. He took noticed and headed my way. When he was close enough, I jumped on him and drove my knife into his neck multiple times until he was down completely. I searched him until I found his gun and some spare bullets. I loaded the gun and was ready to take down any of them that I came across. This blizzard was really something that I never thought I'd be so grateful for. It gave me good cover and I didn't need to fire on anybody for a while.

"This place is a damn maze," I said.

And it really was. I just kept hoping that I'd eventually come across some way out of here. I needed to get back to Beth and Joel. They more than likely took notice of me gone by now. And knowing them, they were on their way to me. For their sake and mine, I needed to get out of this hellhole. I just had to.

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