Chapter 31 - Joel

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I couldn't get that kiss out of my head. I wasn't thinking. I just went for it. I thought I was gonna lose her. When I heard they had caught her, I wanted to storm over and kill every single one of those assholes myself. But I had to be smart about it. Had I gone over guns blazing, I could have lost her in an instant. And I couldn't. Not her. I was glad I didn't act on my emotions. That hard decision may have saved the both of us. The feel of her lips against mine was still very much there as I led Ellie and her to a shutter door that I had seen while looking for supplies.

"Alright. I'm gonna pick it up to let you two in," I said.

"And I'll hold it for you," Beth said.

"You got it," I said.

I lifted up the door and had the both of them go in.

"Ellie, help me hold it," I heard her say from the other side.

I saw two pairs of hands appear at the bottom.

"Okay. Come on in, Joel," Beth said.

I ducked under the door and helped the both of them slowly bring it back down.

"Well, let's get going," Beth said.

We climbed a cart in order to crawl through a small space that had been created. Once we were on the other side, we were that much closer to the bridge that we needed to get to.

"This way," I said going through a door that contained more stairs.

Up we went.

"I hear some of them up ahead," Beth whispered.

"Get up the steps. Quick," I said.

The three of us hurried to the top of the steps. The door was opened and so we all hid behind it. We remained quiet until we heard them talking.

"We haven't found that group from the pick-up truck. Let's hurry up and find them. I want to get it over with before sundown," one of them said.

The three of us stood very still as we heard their footsteps come closer but then fade away as they went downstairs.

"Come on," Beth said.

We powered through. Half an hour later, we were lucky enough to not have run into any hunters.

"Just a bit further," Beth said.

We climbed down a fire escape of one of the buildings we had been in. Ellie tried her best to stifle a yawn.

"We gotta get to a place where we can rest," I said.

"I know. But no place is safe in a city like this. We'll get somewhere soon enough. Ellie," she said.

"I'm fine. I can keep going," Ellie retorted.

"You go any further and you could pass out on us," I said.

"Here. Have some fruit," Beth said stopping to pull out a can from her backpack along with a can opener.

"Any of you want some?" Ellie asked before she dug in.

"Go on ahead," I said.

"I'm good," Beth said.

"Thanks," Ellie said after she'd taken a pretty big gulp.

She wiped her mouth with her hand and we were moving once again. A little bit further and I could hear some voices.

"Get down," I said.

There was a good number of them.

"I'll check to see what we're dealing with," Beth said.

"No. We don't know how many there are," I whispered harshly.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now