Chapter 21 - Joel

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"I'll always worry about you," she whispered in my ear as I held onto her.

She kissed my cheek then headed back downstairs. There was no way I could let her leave again. Not this time. When we got through this, I would ask her to come along with us. She'd never know how much I needed her. And now more than ever. After Tess...after everything, I needed Beth by my side. I was not sure if I could handle getting Ellie to Tommy's without her. It would give me time to explain this whole situation to her. I owed her that much. I went down to join her, Ellie and Bill.

"Hey, Joel. Out this way," Bill said once I was on the first floor.

I helped him lift the garage door. We all went out and ducked behind a car that was right by the driveway.

"What I tell ya? There's that truck, sticking outta the school right there. We just gotta get by the infected," Bill said.

"Stealth like? That's what I'm an expert at," Beth said.

Before we could say anything else, she took off.

"Beth," I whispered harshly.

I quickly joined and covered her. We took a shiv to all of them and were ready to head inside the school. A bus was blocking our way toward an entrance.

"Look. Someone left a ladder up there," Ellie said.

I looked up and sure enough, there was a ladder.

"Give me a boost," she said.

"Okay. Come on let's do this," I said getting into position.

I heaved her up and waited for her to drop the ladder to us.

"Don't get killed up there," Bill retorted.

"Thanks, Bill," Ellie said.

Beth went and smacked Bill on the arm.

"What?" Bill asked.

"Stop being such a dick," she said.

When the ladder was down, Beth went ahead and joined Ellie on top followed by Bill and then me.

"We're okay. We just need to get to the hood of the truck," Bill said once we were up and over.

"Let's get this over with then," Beth said.

We heard the shrieks from a distance. Shit.

"You hear that? They're coming. Move it, kid!" Bill said.

We took off running.

"Keep up, Ellie," Beth said.

"Alright, we're gonna get in quick. We're gonna get the battery and then we're gonna get the hell outta here," Bill said.

We'd reached a dead end.

"Come on, Bill," I said.

"Oh shit! They're breaking down the fence. We gotta hurry!" Beth yelled while she took out her gun and started to fire at the ones that had already gotten through.

I joined her.

"I got it! Window is open. Everybody in now!" Bill shouted.

"Ellie, go!" Beth shouted.

She had stayed behind to help me out with the infected.

"Beth go!" I said.

"You stay right behind me!" she ordered.

She climbed into the window and I followed her. I got onto the dumpster that was right under the window and was almost in when a damn clicker jumped me.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now