Chapter 4

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The next few days were spent with me giving Adrien the silent treatment. I didn't want to admit he was right and so I ignored him as best I could. It was pointless considering the fact that we were currently occupying the same space. He found the whole situation funny. What a dick. He'd often try to get me to talk but there was no way in hell that I was gonna give him the satisfaction.

"Beth. Seriously. How long are you gonna keep this up?" he asked while we were cutting more branches on the roof.

His idea to cut more in order to hide the house was something that I should have thought of and was disappointed that I didn't. I ignored him and continued to cut the branches.

"I admire your commitment, I'll give you that but I know you'll give in eventually. I'll just have to keep talking until you finally cave, I guess," he said.

He'd been doing that for as long as I'd been ignoring him and each time, it got harder and harder for me to take.

"Okay. What could I tell you about today...Hmm. Let me think," he said tapping his index finger to his chin in a thoughtful way.

"I got it. When I lost my virginity. I don't think I've told that story yet. Let's see...I was a senior in high school and her name was Lilian Adams," he started.

I really didn't want to hear this story.

"Okay, fine! You win! Just shut the hell up, please. Jeez. How you never get tired of hearing your own voice ramble on is a mystery to me," I finally said.

He suddenly started laughing.

"You're an asshole," I muttered.

"Had...had I told that story first...I may have gotten you to talk a lot sooner," he said between his fits of laughter.

"And I'm going back inside," I said turning to climb down.

"No. Wait. I'm sorry," he said reaching for my hand.

Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't been with anyone in a long time that the feel of his hand against mine gave me butterflies. I quickly shook the thought out of my head and pulled it away from him. I walked to the edge of the roof and climbed down. "Come back. We're almost done," he called. Instead of saying anything else, I flipped him the bird.

I went to my room and pulled out a map. Visiting Bill had been on my mind since we got here. I'd even thought of taking off while Adrien was asleep but something held me back each time I got close to doing so. He still didn't know how to protect himself all that well yet. Maybe if I taught him, we'd be able go our separate ways with the confidence in knowing that the other would be fine on their own. I heard some movement on the roof and knew that he was climbing down. I was looking intently at the map when he came in.

"So you tell me to shut up and that I'm an asshole and what? You're done for the day?" he asked.

"Have you ever fired a gun before?" I asked getting right to it.

I was still looking at the map.

"'s been awhile but I think I could figure it out," he said.

I pulled out mine and emptied the clip then tossed it to him.

"And what is it that you want me to do with this?" he asked.

"Hold it up. Show me how you aim," I said looking over at him.

"Whatever gets you talking," he said.

He held it up. His grip was pretty decent.

"Locate the safety," I said.

He did as I asked.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now