Chapter 23 - Joel

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The three of us were silent as we watched the buildings of the town slowly disappear.

"Alright. This'll do. Stop!" Bill called bagging the side of the truck to get Ellie's attention.

Bill and Beth climbed out and I quickly followed.

"Beth? You're not going are you?" Ellie asked.

She went over to her.

"We'll see," she said.

She then looked to me and went over to Bill.

"Just keep it running, alright?" I told Ellie.

She gave me a thumbs up and looked back to the road.

"That girl nearly got us all killed," Bill said.

"Bill. That's how it is nowadays. Don't play the blame game," Beth said.

"And you gotta admit that she did hold her own back there," I said.

Bill laughed at that.

"You ain't gonna make it," he said.

"Well, you know what? I'm gonna go with them to make sure that they do," Beth came up and said.

She looked over at me.

"If you'll have me of course," she added.

"Ellie would be thankful...we both would," I said.

She smirked at me then looked back at Bill.

"Well, as long as you all go out together, I guess," Bill said.

He then knelt down and opened up his backpack.

"Here," he said tossing me what looked like a hose.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You'd be surprised at how many cars still got gas in 'em," he said.

"I appreciate it. Look, Bill, um, about your buddy back there. Uh...that's a tough deal. And I'm uh..." I said.

"We square?" Bill asked cutting me off.

"We're square," I nodded.

"Beth? That supplies I gave you? It enough?" he looked over and asked her.

"More than enough. Thanks, Bill," she said.

"Then get the fuck out of my town. The both of you," he said.

He turned around and made his way through a building. Beth sighed. I turned to look at her.

"You sure you're okay with joining us? There's nowhere else you need to be?" I asked.

"There's nothing more I have left to go to. Besides, I can't say bye to Ellie. At least not yet. You gonna fill me in on the story between the two of you?" she asked.

"Since you're joining us, I guess I kind of have to, huh?" I said.

She nudged my arm.

"Let's get going," she said turning to head to the truck.

She pulled out the duffle bag Bill had given her from the bed of the truck.

"Move over," I said when I got to the driver's side.

"Beth's coming with us?" she asked.

I watched as Beth placed the bag in the passenger seat.

"Yeah. She's coming with us," I said.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now