Chapter 15

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I closed the door and let the fact that Tess was about to die sink in.

"What the fuck? I can't believe we did that," Ellie said.

"Stop," I said.

"We just left her to die," she said.

"Stop. You stay close to me. We have to move," I said.

We went up some stairs to the left.

"We'll go upstairs. We can probably get out from there," I said.

I heard the doors get knocked open and the shots being fired. The last thing I ever wanted to hear could be heard. Tess screaming and then silence.

"Just keep moving," I whispered.

We reached the end of the second floor which led to the front of the capitol. There was Tess. She was no longer moving and no longer suffering.

"Oh my god, Tess..." Ellie said.

"She took out two of my men. There're others here. Find them. Search the building," one of the soldiers said.

"Come on. This way," I said leading us to the right.

I heard the echoes of the soldiers' voices ringing all throughout the building. There was a part of the building that had caved in and so I had to go ahead and jump to get to the other end. I turned and watched Ellie do the same. I heard some coming down the hall.

"They're gonna be here any second. What do we do?" Ellie whispered.

I didn't say anything.

"Joel?" she urged.

"I got this," I said.

I picked up a metal pipe that way lying on the floor and held on to it tightly.

"Search the area. Find them and take them out," a soldier said.

Once they decided to split up, I made my move. One by one, I took each of those assholes out with a knife to the throat. I probably should have eased up considering that Ellie was a witness to the whole thing but I had just lost Tess. I think she was able to pick up on that.

"Joel, there's the exit," she whispered once I had taken out the last of the soldiers.

"I see it. Let's get the hell out of here," I said.

We quickly went out the door.

"There's stairs over there," Ellie said.

"Yeah. We'll go out that way, come on hurry," I said.

We picked up the pace and went down the stairs. It was then that I heard a truck pull up.

"They're going into the subway! Stop 'em!" one of the soldiers shouted.

"They're following us," Ellie said.

"Shit. Keep running," I said.

The further we ran into the subway, more spores became visible. Ellie ran ahead of me while I stopped to put my gas mask on. When it was securely on, I followed where Ellie had gone. When I turned a corner, I felt a pull on my arm. I was relieved to see that it was only Ellie.

"Get down," she whispered.

There were two soldiers that were in the same place we were. I looked over at Ellie and the spores didn't seem to faze her whatsoever.

"How the hell are you breathing in this stuff?" I leaned over and asked.

"I wasn't lying to you," she retorted.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now