Chapter 59 - Beth

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I watched as Joel fired a head shot on Marlene. Relief washed over me knowing that we no longer had to worry about the Fireflies. For now at least.

"Get in. Let's go," Joel said when he came back to the truck.

I nodded and went over to the passenger side. Joel had found the keys and placed them into the ignition. He put the truck in drive and we left the garage. We were happy to have left the hospital without hesitation. We found the highway and headed back to Tommy's. Joel and I were silent the whole time. The both of us were pondering all that Marlene had said. Although I didn't want to admit it, Ellie would have sacrificed herself for this.

"Hey," Joel said breaking the silence and forcing me to leave my thoughts behind.

I turned to look at him.

"You think she was right?" he asked.

"About Ellie wanting this?" I retorted.

"Yeah," he said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't know. I mean...she wouldn't have fought so hard if she didn't," I said.

He sighed.

"I was thinking the same thing," he said.

"But I didn't trust them. I don't think that killing her was the only option. I think that they were just desperate. Desperate to do something that was for their cause. Even if that meant sacrificing a little girl," I said.

"Do you regret it?" he asked.

I looked at Ellie lying down in the back seat.

"Not for a second," I said turning back to look out the windshield.

Joel reached over, took my hand and kissed it.

"What are we gonna tell her?" I asked getting back to the conversation we had earlier.

"What we have to. We tell her that they stopped looking for a cure. Whatever it takes to get her to forget about the Fireflies," he said.

"I don't feel good lying to her," I admitted.

"I know. Neither do I. But this is what we have to do to keep her safe. To keep her breathing. Truth is, she's the one good thing that came out of all of this. Finding you was a bonus," he said turning to look at me.

I smiled.

"I'm so glad I decided to head over to Bill's that day," I said.

"So am I," he said.

I leaned over and kissed him.

"Tommy will be happy to see you," I said, leaning back into my seat.

"He'll be happier to see you. You've always been his favorite," he said.

"That's not true. He idolizes you. He'll be just as happy to see you. Maybe even more. Either way, he's gonna be happy," I said.

"Are you? Are you happy?" he asked.

I sighed.

"After Sarah, I never thought I'd ever be. Going through the motions and doing what needed to be done in order to survive. That gave me purpose but I don't think it made me happy. Being with you is what kept me going. Even after we had our little...break...I thought of you and hoped that you were okay. Then finding you unexpectedly...and after everything we've endured...after all we've been through after that...yeah. I'm happy," I said.

I turned to wipe a tear that had fallen. Never in a millions years since the world ended would I have thought I'd ever be able to admit that. Joel and Ellie were all I'd ever need in this world. Knowing Sarah was with us wherever we went was the cherry on top. I was happy and there was nothing and no one that would ever take that away from me. Never again. Our conversation was cut short when we heard some groans coming from the back seat. I quickly turned around to see Ellie stirring around before she opened her eyes.

"What the hell am I wearing?" she scoffed.

"Just take it easy...drugs are still wearing off," Joel said.

She then looked at Joel then at me.

"What happened?" she asked.

I looked to the front again and took in a deep breath.

"We found the Fireflies," I said.

"Turns out there's a whole lot more like you, Ellie. People that are immune. It's dozens actually. Ain't done a damn bit of good neither," Joel continued.

"They've actually stopped...they've stopped looking for a cure," I finished.

"I'm taking us home," he added.

I heard movement and turned just as she was doing the same. I felt guilty to say the least. Maybe one day we could sit her down and tell her the truth. Tell her why we decided to take her with us. Explain why we were not okay with her being sacrificed for the good of mankind. Mankind was already fucked up before this shit storm hit. Who's to say that it would have changed with her gone? All this would hopefully be explained to her when she was older. She's still a kid after all. She deserves to act like one for a little while longer. After all she's been through, she deserved that much and more. I looked forward to giving her all she ever needed and I was sure that Joel was too. Who would have thought that even when the world came down, Joel and I would still be here? That we would have lost each other but then found each other again. I guess one could say that we were meant to be. I reached my hand over and intertwined our fingers. He looked down at our hands and then back at me.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just drive," I said.

I picked his hand up and kissed the back of it. I looked out my window and rested my head against the seat. Tommy's was a long way from here but we were together. We'd get there eventually. Before I closed my eyes, I turned back to Joel.

"You're gonna wake me up when you get sleepy?" I asked softly.

It didn't take long to hear Ellie's soft snores.

"I feel like I could drive the whole way," he said.

"Regardless, please wake me up when you feel like pulling over," I said.

"Sure thing. Now get some rest," he said.

"I love you," I said.

He smirked.

"Always and forever?" he asked.

"Even when the world comes down," I retorted.

We both chuckled lightly not wanting to wake Ellie.

"Damn straight," he said.

I leaned over and kissed him then pressed our foreheads together for a second.

"Okay. Focus on the road. That was my bad," I said.

"Yeah it was. Close your eyes. We'll be at Tommy's before you know it," he said.

I took my camera pendant between my fingers and rubbed it. I leaned back into my seat and closed my eyes, dreaming of the life that the three of us were about to embark on together. 

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now