Chapter 52 - Beth

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The sound of gunshots woke me up with a start. I looked around frantically and my heart stopped when I couldn't find Ellie.

"Ellie?" I called. I stood up and went over to look out the window.

The neighborhood was filled with hunters that were retreating elsewhere, I then left the basement.

"Ellie?" I called again but there was no answer.

I headed to the garage and knew that she must have gone somewhere when I didn't see Callus next to Fiona.

"Where'd she run off to?" I asked as I petted Fiona's head.

I knelt down and slowly opened up the garage door. I made sure that Fiona stayed put. I didn't want her running off. As I made my way further down the street, a body caught my attention. I knelt down to inspect it and could tell that he was killed by a knife wound to the neck. It had to be Ellie's. I just knew it.

"You keep fighting, Ellie," I whispered.

I walked a little further before I could hear some voices coming my way. I quickly ducked in between two houses and behind a dumpster. As the footsteps got closer, I could make out what the voices were saying.

"So do you know if they were able to get the girl?" one of them asked.

"I know that her horse went down. Brad was the one that fired the shot that took it down. She disappeared down that hill and who knows whether or not they got to her or not," the other said.

"I hope they killed her. Fuck what David wanted. We got no use for a stupid kid," the first said. "Amen. To that. Now let's find the other two she was with. The man and the woman," the second said.

"I hope we find the woman first. Can't tell you how long it's been since I've had a piece of ass and if I don't get any soon, I'll lose my mind," the first said.

"You and me both. And if we find the man, first?" the second asked.

"We kill him and we'll have a hot meal tonight," the first replied.

I gasped softly and placed my hand over my mouth. These were bad people. Joel, Ellie and I couldn't stay here a moment longer. I had to get the both of them out of here as fast as I could. I couldn't let these assholes find Joel. I had to be the one that they found first. I quickly thought of a plan to get them to do so. I looked around and to my luck there was a metal rod that was hidden under some snow. I picked it up and hid it underneath my arm. I banged against the dumpster a few times and got into position. I waited for them to find me. It didn't take them long. I got my teeth chattering to make it seem like I'd been out here longer than I was. I heard their footsteps approaching and eventually came face to face with the both of them. I looked up as one of them knelt down to be at eye level with me.

"What is it that we have here?" he asked.

"Please...please help me," I said.

"You seem like you've been out here for a while. What do you say we move this conversation inside one of these warm houses, huh?" he said reaching his hand to me.

As I slowly started to reach my hand to him, my grip on the rod got tighter. I waited for the both of them to be close enough to each other before I moved on any further. Once they aligned, I pulled out the rod and shoved it right through the abdomen of the first man but only catching the second on his side. The first died easily but the second was struggling to get free. I took off the scarf the first man had on and held it in my hand.

"Where can I find David?" I asked.

"Fuck you. You crazy bitch," he said.

I chuckled and knelt down. I moved the rod which got him to groan in agony.

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