Chapter 14

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There were three of them roaming around the area I was in. Since they couldn't see me, I had a better chance of moving past them without being detected. If they were distracted, it would be much easier to do so. Moving too close to them wasn't such a good idea and one that I didn't want to chance. I looked for something that I could throw in the opposite direction to keep them occupied. There was a brick right by my feet that I picked up.

"Here goes nothing," I said softly.

I stood up and threw it far away from where I was. I heard the shrieks and waited to see the one closest to me, head over that way. It had worked. The three were far away from me and I used that to make my escape. I went through a door that was down the hall and closed it carefully behind me. There was a staircase that I followed until I heard some banging coming from the top floor. When I got closer, the growling was evident. It was a runner. It being so preoccupied with banging on the door, it didn't hear me coming up behind it. I got a hold of it and snapped its neck.

"Ellie. Stay back!" I heard Tess yell from the other side of the door.

I proceeded to burst through the door.

"Tess!" I called.

I looked to my left just in time to see her take care of another runner. I quickly made my way over to her.

"I'm fine," she said.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Guys, get in here!" Ellie shouted from another room.

"The girl," Tess said.

"Shit," I said following her into the room.

There was one of them trying it's best to get at her.

"Back off!" I shouted going over and kicking it away from her.

Tess and I pulled out or guns and started firing at the runners that came at us.

"Ellie, get behind us," I said.

One by one, we took out all those sons of bitches that came our way until they were all down. Afterward we took some time to catch our breath.

"That was too damn close," Tess said.

"You said it," Ellie said.

We were all near a window that led out.

"Tess, you holding up okay?" I went over and asked her.

"Just a bit winded. This way. This'll get us to the roof," she said making her way out.

"How 'bout you, kid? You okay?" I asked Ellie.

"Define okay," she retorted.

"Are you still breathing?" I asked.

"Do small, panicked breaths count?" she replied.

"Yeah, they count," I said.

"Alright. Then I'm okay," Ellie said.

"Well alright then. Let's get going," I said climbing out the window.

We both climbed the fire escape until we were at the roof with Tess waiting for us.

"We gotta find a way across. There she is. That's our building," she said once I was there.

I turned to where the sun was rising. Not too far was the building with a dome. We were almost there. We just needed to get to the building across from us. I looked around to see if there was anything that we could possibly use. Fortunately there was a wooden plank that was just there. I picked it up and took it to the edge of the building. We had our way across. I looked over at Ellie.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now