Chapter 40 - Beth

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I hadn't realized how much I had missed Tommy until I saw him come out those gates. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that he was married. I never thought I'd ever live to see the day.

"False alarm! They're friendlies," Maria shouted.

"We've been dealing with raids. Lot of bandits in this area," she turned to tell us.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's been quiet for a few days," Tommy said.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought we'd find you in Wyoming," Joel said.

"Been trying to bring the plant back to life," he answered.

"We had it working before but one of the turbines went south," Maria chimed in.

"We have electricity, guys...had. We'll get it running again," Tommy said.

As we made our way deeper into the plant, Ellie was quick to notice a couple of horses having their shoes cleaned.

"No way. You guys have horses?" Ellie asked jogging over to greet one.

"We got a whole lot of 'em," Tommy said.

One of Tommy's people then asked him to help with something. He excused himself and went over to aid him. The three of us got to the horse. She was a gorgeous sight.

"Can I?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah, of course," Maria said.

She went ahead and ran her hand over the horse's hair.

"God she's beautiful," I said petting her as well.

"Hell yeah she is," Ellie said.

"You ever ride one?" Maria asked.

"I actually have," Ellie said.

"When?" I asked.

"Yeah. When have you ridden a horse?" Joel asked.

"Winston, this soldier back in the zone. He gave me lessons a few times," she said.

"You know, if you want, we can take her riding later," Maria said.

"Really? Beth? Joel? Would that be okay?" Ellie turned and asked us.

"Of course it would be okay, Ellie," I said.

I looked over at Joel and he had a stern look on his face.

"It would be okay, Ellie," I emphasized.

"Awesome," she said.

Tommy had come back and joined us.

"All right, let's continue the tour," he said.

He and Maria led us inside. Maria's walkie then went off.

"Maria," a man said.

"Yeah go ahead," she said unclipping it from her belt.

"We're in the control room. Steve's about to start it back up. Do you wanna come check it out?" the man asked.

She sighed.

"I'd rather eat with Ellie. Will you be joining us, Beth?" she asked.

"Sure. I could eat," I said.

"Hey, it's my turn anyway. I'll go. It'll give you a chance to get to know my incredible sister-in-law," Tommy said.

"Flattery will always take you places," I said giving him a wink.

Even When the World Comes Down (Sequel to Always & Forever)Where stories live. Discover now