Alexis Journal Entry 36

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We live in a small town. There really isn't anything for teenagers to do. The only place that we could really hang out was the bowling alley, but only on Tuesdays or Fridays. Those were the days teenagers with little money could afford to bowl.

We have a movie theater, but it wasn't that good. Don't get me wrong. It's not the establishment, well it kind of is, or the staff it is the people. People would talk through the movie, shine lights, and just be plain rude. Shawn and I stopped going.

We would always end up leaving half-way through. Shawn would tell the staff, but they would end up starting up again when the staff left. It was just a waste of money. 

Shawn and I took Angel with us one night. I don't remember what movie we went to see. It's irrelevant actually. We barely made it 30 minutes into the movie before Shawn snapped. There were these kids a row in front of us and they wouldn't stop talking. One girl kept shinning her flashlight on her phone. Her phone wasn't even on silent and it kept going off. Shawn was so mad. He got up and went to their row. He told them to shut up and behave or he was going to get the manager.

Even after his threat, the kids kept misbehaving. Shawn went and told the manager and told him what was going on. Those kids were escorted out of the movie theater. Shawn got a free drink as an apology but we had already missed a portion of the movie.

When we got bored, we often found ourselves at our local Walmart. This really wasn't any better. The Walmart in our town is a poor excuse for a Walmart. No matter how many times we call corporate nothing is done. They never stock the shelves and nothing is where it should be. Most of the stuff is just thrown on the shelves. You can never find anything. 

The worst part are the long lines. They would only have four or three registers open out of thirty. The line would be backed up to the clothing department. Because of this we started shopping in Pell City. It's ten times better than one in our town and it didn't matter distance wise. Shawn and I lived ten minutes from our town and about fifteen from Pell City.

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