Two years later...

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It's been two years since I've decided to live in the castle. Two years of training to use my power, exploring the castle and the grounds and hiding from Valarie. Loki, my father, has decided to become in charge of the plays and theater. Loki and Thor both hang around the castle. They leave me alone most of the time when I'm not training. Thor has established a few rules and laws in the castle. Ones that I break every day except for one. There is one major rule I have to live by and if I don't...well, I get kicked out. Well that's what Thor said. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are eaten in the dining room. There's me, Thor, Loki some warriors and some other people there three times a day every day. While everyone else dresses up for it I don't. I just walk in extremely late to every meal wearing dusty, dirty torn clothes. Most of the time I'm only late because I got lost. At first Thor made everyone wait for me to arrive and then eat but once I proved I'm never going to arrive on time he let everyone began and I'd arrive half way. Sometimes I'll sneak out in to the forest and I'll train Valarie on how to fight. With every snuck in lesson she becomes stronger and more confident. Otherwise I don't see Valarie unless she visits the castle. 

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now