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Two days later Valarie comes back, presumingly after dinner. I don't look up once she's in my room, instead playing on my phone that I finally got back from her when I went to lunch after another border patrol.

'Why are you like this?'

I glance at her sideways but immediately return to my game on my phone.

'Why are you like this?' she repeats.

'Like what?' I grunt.

'So dead to the world. You don't talk much and you keep ignoring me. And look at you it's like you never sleep.'

My character dies and the words you lose flash on the screen. I look up at Valarie as she sits on a chair next to my bed. I'm perched on the edge as normal. Anger flashes through me. She seriously can't be stupid.

'I'm tired.'

'So why don't you sleep?' Apparently, she can be that stupid.

'Because it's not that type of tired Valarie. I am physically and mentally tired. The type of tired that isn't magically cured by an eight-hour sleep,' I spit. I look down at the phone but it only angers me more. I growl and throw it across the room. It disappears with a green flash in to The Space. She flinches and moves away. I bury my head in my hands.

'Sorry Valarie,' I murmur into my hands. She sighs a moment later.

'Raven what has gotten into you?'

I lift my head and gaze at her. She shrinks back a little.

'When was the last time you slept?'

I laugh tiredly. 'I don't sleep. I can't sleep Valarie and it's killing me.'

'Raven why didn't you tell me earlier. I could have helped you.'

I shake my head and storm over to the window looking out over the city. A delicate hand grips my shoulder and I look down at the fingers curled over. I turn around and face her.

'Come on Raven you need some sleep. I will stay with you while you sleep,' she pulls me gently back towards the bed. At first, I refuse but then I give in and let myself be pulled over and tucked in to bed.

'Now do you want a bedtime story?' she teases.

'No,' I can't help but let out a giggle.

She leans back shocked. 'I actually made you laugh?'

'Yeah now help me sleep,' I smother my laugh.

She reaches behind her and pulls out a bottle. I watch her suspiciously as she opens it and two white small oval tablets pops in her hand. She holds them out to me.

'What are they?' I ask as I take them.

'Sleeping pills. They only help you fall asleep.'

I shrug and swallow them. They instantly work. My body becomes heavy and eyes close. I feel a nightmare wriggling out from the corners of my mind and over takes me completely I call out over mind link for my father.

'Are you sure about that?' Loki turns from where he stands in front of Valarie. She looks from him over to me where I sit up. A small smile pays on my lips.

'Raven? Since when do you have nightmares?' Valarie calls out.

The smile slips from my lips and I glare at my father. He disappears with a bright green flash. Something pounces up onto my bed and curls up in front of me. I spare the cat a glance.

'Raven?' Val snaps my name.

My gaze finally moves up to her. 'What?'

'Since when do you have nightmares? Since when have you been unable to sleep?' she looks at me accusingly like I've lied to her and she's only found out. Which I have and she has only found out.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now