Loki can cook really well

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The next day I wake up to my father calling out my name.

'No. Leave me alone,' I groan. He opens the blinds.

'It's the holidays. Let me sleep.'

'Hmmm nope. It's time to eat.'

'But I'm not hungry,' I complain as I bury my head under my pillow. The pillow is pulled off and the sheets slide back. I roll over onto my back and blink at my father. 'Arg,' I groan. He laughs and heads towards the door. I find my pillow at the end of my bed, pick it up and peg it at his head. It hits him in the back of his shoulders. He stops, turns around and smirks at me.

'Oh crap,' I mutter. He picks up the pillow I threw at him and I pick up the other pillow that's on my bed. He appears in front of me and starts hitting me with the pillow. I hit him back. We keep hitting each other until I fall off the bed and land on the floor, cushioned by the fallen bedcovers. I lie on the floor laughing. Loki stands over me laughing at me. He holds out his hand and I take it. He pulls me up to my feet and over his shoulder I see Thor. He looks unhappy and I begin to stop laughing. My father realizes that something's up and turns around.

'Brother,' he calls out cheerfully and he drags me over to Thor. 'Come on move it so we can eat,' Loki says while shoving Thor gently. Thor looks at me, past me than at Loki. He laughs and backs away.

'Okay fine,' he says and Loki whoops. We walk past him and my father directs me to a chair at the kitchen bench. He puts a plate of pancakes down in front of me and a tub of my favourite ice cream.

'YES!' I yell and scoop ice cream onto my pancakes. Loki points at the chair on one side of me and Thor sits down and Loki hands him pancakes. Then a moment later Loki sits on my other side and watches me as I eat. I stuff my face. 

As I walk around town, I see Valarie heading towards the salon. She sees me and covers her face with her hat. I go to keep walking towards her when I realize she doesn't want to talk to me. I sigh and walk past her and heading into town.

As I throw shells into the water Loki appears suddenly next to me. I peg a shell at him and watch as it goes straight through him. A hologram.

'Really?' he asks.

'What?' I reply throwing a handful of shells at him. He looks down then back up at me.

'Thor is going back to Asgard.'

'Thank god.'

'Because there's been some problems with the younger kids that Valkyrie can't handle.'

I throw another shell though this time at his head.

'Okay enough with throwing shells at me. What about you and Valarie?'

'Still ignoring me. We both know that she will until her holiday is over.'

'Oh well. At least you tried,' he looks out at the beach. 'Start coming back. Dinner is nearly ready.'

'Since when can you cook?' I ask.

He looks at me sideways.

'Okay, okay. I'm coming. Jeeze,' I walk through his hologram and down the beach towards our villa. I enter the villa.

'What's cooking?' I call out. Father turns around the oven.

'Come here,' he says smiling.

I hesitate for a moment. He's actually smiling. Not his signature lets cause trouble smirk. An actual genuine smile. I walk quickly over to where he stands and look at what he's cooking.

'Try this,' he says and hands me a spoon with some of the sauce on it. I take it and try it. White sauce.

'Needs rosemary and more cheese,' I say while handing back the spoon.

He laughs, looks at the pot than at me. 'Since when do you know how to cook?'

'When your feeding people like Valarie you learn to try changing things up and learn what works and what doesn't,' I reply shrugging. 'So, what are you making to go with the sauce? Corn beef?'

He points at the oven. 'Go look,' he suggest while cutting up rosemary and throwing in more cheese into the pot.

Just as I figured. Corn beef.

Minutes later he and I sit at the table eating in silence. Afterwards Loki uses a cleaning spell to clean and I go to my room to get some time alone. 

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now