Her bodyguard

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'Did he never feed you?' I ask as I enter the kitchen seeing Valarie wolf down freshly cooked pancakes.

'The only time he fed once a week.'

Anger grows inside of me.

'What else did he do?'

'He tasered me, beat me, starved me, black mailed me. He used ice as a weapon,' she stops as she looks at Alec. His muscles taught and eyes turning wolf colour. He's ready to kill someone.

'But I'm back home, and here to stay. I'm fine,' she smiles and stuffs more food into her mouth. 'See,' she tries to speak. I leave the cabin, nodding my head at Alec. He grabs my arm before I walk out the door.

'You better kill him and all of them. Then you leave and never bring danger back with you again. Got it,' he hisses. I turn to him.

'That's what I was trying to do but Valarie set everyone up to come after me.'

He hits me across the face. 'Don't speak that way about Valarie.'

'I wasn't blaming it on her,' I spit back. 'I was suggesting that next time I will just disappear and you make sure she never feels like she misses me or needs me back. Got it.'

He lets go of my arm as we hear Valarie laughing and the kids laughing. I leave the cabin and head back to the castle.

Later that night as I open a portal to outside of Asgard, Loki appears behind me.

'Where do you think you're going?'

'You let Lance get away and this time I'm going after him myself and I'm going to kill him.'

I step forward towards my portal when he grabs hold of my shoulder and spins me around.

'Raven, it wasn't your fault that she was taken and hurt. It's not your job to go and kill anyone who hurts her.'

'You didn't see the new scars that mark her. You didn't hear what they did to her. You don't know how long it's going to take for her to heal. You won't hear her screams and cries that are going to keep her awake at night. You won't see her always running in to check on her children.'

'And you will?'

I glare at him. 'Not if I get rid of this threat. This time I'm doing it alone on my grounds. I don't want anyone's help.'

He lets go and steps back. 'You've got two choices Raven. And just so you know this is the King's words. If you leave, you can't come back until you can guarantee there won't be anymore threats to Valarie. If you stay, we can help you take down all future threats and this one.'

I keep the portal open and glance between it and my father. He nods his head at the portal.

'Like I said. King's words. Not mine,' he turns away and starts walking back. 'If you ever need any help just call out and let me know.'

I move closer to the portal.

'I guess I'll tell them to not expect you back for a while then,' he says a little bit disappointed.

'I'll try to back in time for Christmas,' I say as I step through and walk into Lance's bedroom. The light turns on as the portal closes behind me. Something hits me in the back of the head and I fall forwards on to the edge of the bed. The dagger in my hand sinks in the mattress and they hit me in the back. I grunt, roll over so I face them and shove a dagger in their heart. They cough and gurgle than slowly drop to the floor. I stand up and look around me. Lance is in the bed, awake and trying to pry my first dagger out of his hand. I turn to him with a third dagger in my hand and point it at his heart.

'If you kill me you will go to prison.'

I shrug. 'I've been sent on a job and you will die tonight.'

'I never did anything to you.'

'You hurt Valarie. No one hurts Valarie and lives.'

He looks at his skewered hand than up at me. 'But she already has kids and a husband. Are you in a love triangle?' he says eyes wide open.

I cut his forehead. 'No, you fucken retard. There is no love. She's under my protection. If anything, I'm her fucken bodyguard.'

His face feels with puzzlement than surprise as he looks down at his chest. I pull my dagger out and watch as he crumples up on his bed. I turn, leave the bedroom and walk into the other rooms killing everyone I find.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now