Rescue mission

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Exactly one week after Valarie was kidnapped I had enough of sitting around and went to find the person who threatened my cousin.

 I'm tied to a chair and kept in a high security room in a warehouse. I grit my teeth as the guards change over and the boss comes in. He starts to taunt me by telling me how secure this place is and that nobody has ever escaped him. I watch him smirking as he tells me the only way out. Than he starts to hit me but I take it in silence. As he leaves, I start to laugh. My lungs hurt and my ribs stab pain through me but I push through it and laugh at him. At his stupidity.

A couple of hours later I take the phone from Loki's hand and ring the only number on it. Valarie answers it.


'No, it's Raven,' I suppress a laugh.

'Raven you little shit, what made you think that you could leave by yourself without any help,' she snaps at me.

'Valarie,' I try to speak while watching Thor and Loki.

'Do you know how stupid-'

'Valarie!' I interrupt her. 'Shut the fuck up. Both our dads are hurt, and I need your help.'

'Stay where you are,' she says before hanging up. I look around. It's not like I had much choice.

Half an hour later guns go off and I run to cover...taking me away from where Thor and Loki lie on the ground barley able to move. As I go around the corner the boss grabs me and drags me back up to the fourth floor where I was kept before Loki and Thor broke me out. Loki, Thor and I had only got as far as the third floor before the two of them were tazed and shot at with some weird magic draining things.

Minutes later, I hear a window smash from the floor below me. The third floor. I look out a window and watch as my father and uncle fall from the window and crumble up onto the ground. A few minutes later a scream and my cousin jumps out. I'm pulled away from the window and thrown at a steel reinforced wall. I feel and hear yet another bone break. I get up, leaning against the wall behind me for support as a ginormous wave of ice magic leaves me, instantly freezing or stabbing the people in the room. I force myself to run back down the stairs and back to where Thor and Loki were. A group of adults turn and face me. I spit out a glob of blood and one of them runs at me.

A lightning bold strikes and they all crumble in front of me. Adrenaline leaves me as I realise the warehouse is on fire and its draining me to stay up after so long of fighting. My knees bend and my head lowers. I'm ready to pass out but someone grabs hold of my arms and they drag me out of the building. The fresh air brings my attention to the person whose dragging me around. They're coughing the whole way. I glimpse a familiar suit. Stark style. Valarie. A car door opens and I'm tossed inside. I move around so I'm sitting up and not putting to much weight on my broken bones. I count the casualties. Over twenty men dead and their base of operations in flames. Overall a good effort. The car jerks forwards at an alarming pace. I wipe my face of grime and look out my window a black SUV is following. Thump! I groan. She hit me on the shoulder.

'This is your fault!' she snaps while leaning over and opening the glove box. She pulls out a gun, winds down the window and looks behind her. Guns ring loud and clear and I keep watching the side mirror.

'I think they are shooting us,' I tell her a smirk appearing on my face.

'Oh, really Raven, I thought they were throwing cookies at us,' four bikes peel out from behind the SUV. Valarie gasps as they come up the side of us. She swerves the car and hits all but one that sped on ahead.

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