A price for everything

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I hear the apartment door open and close shut as Valarie leaves. I'm tempted to follow her but I need to rest. I wait a moment than decide to follow her. I turn invisible and put a cloaking spell around me and watch as Valarie walks to a location following directions on her phone. Once we arrive, Valarie waits looking around nervously for someone. A shadow moves closer than breaks out to show it's Lance. Anger flows through me but I force myself to stay calm and silent as Valarie looks around making sure that I'm not around.

'What do you want?' she says.

'Go to the container yard tomorrow. I have a lovely surprise for you. I will be there at ten thirty. In the middle of the yard. You will join my side, not hers. If you don't cooperate say goodbye to your children.'

'Alright I get it.'

'And Val...kill her.'

Valarie gulps but nods. She walks off and I run back to the hotel. I sit on the couch but jump up as the door slams behind Valarie.

'We leave tomorrow morning,' she says whilewalking into her room.

We wake up early but still I beat Valarie and end up having to wait for her in the loungeroom. She finally comes out wearing her suit.

'Alright are you all ready?' she smiles at me. 'Look Raven whatever happens, I want you to look after my father. I am always on your side,' she continues to smile.

I want to tell her that I know. That she will come home and look after her father herself but I can't. She can't know that I was there last night and that she's going to betray me for the lives of her children. I can't save her from this. Not yet. I need to pretend I'm still going after Lance than I need to work out how to save Valarie.

'Whatever, we need to get going,' I tell her coldly and walk out the door. In the shiny surfaces I see Valarie following meekly behind with her head bowed.

A quick drive leads us to the old shipment yard. Val jumps out and goes up to one of the guards and knocks him out. She hacks the gate system and opens the gate. I run in and she follows closely behind.

'You the left side of the container and I'll go right,' I order while running off to the direction mentioned. I double back and turn invisible watching as Val pulls out her phone.

'Hey Lance, we are here,' I hear her say. I run off to the end of the line I was going down and open a container and look inside at the darkness. It's filled with crates.

I hear footsteps behind me and look around. It's Valarie. She comes to myside and pulls out her phone sending a text. A moment later she gets a text back. She reads the text than puts away her phone. Out of the corner of my eye I see her looking down at the river right next to the container I'm looking at. I realise from reading her mind that she is going to distract me by jumping into the river. I mentally curse to myself as I presented her with an opportunity to do what they say. I watch as she steps down the high step, loses her balance and falls in yelling out my name. She hits the water and I slam the container door shut and look down into the water where she is sinking rapidly. She's panicking underwater drowning herself faster. Her feeble attempts become fewer as I jump in, swimming down and grabbing her by her arms. I swim up to the surface and over to the jetty pulling her up onto it after myself.

'You really need to learn how to swim,' I turn around and walk up to the higher jetty leaving her coughing up water. I look up in the shadows seeing people up there, holding something shiny and metallic. My hands tighten and my teeth clench. I watch as Lance and his men come out holding guns. I turn around to Val and see her smirking, pointing her gun at me.

'Sorry cousin, but I'm over happy families. You really should be more careful who you trust,' she says while moving past me and over to Lance's side. She looks at him than back at me.

'Valarie you bitch, you have children,' I spit.

'And how does that stop me?'

'You love them.'

'No one ever loved me.'

'We do. Alec does. Your father.'

'They never loved me. They only saw me as a weapon and a prop. I'm over it.'

I open a portal and gun goes off. Something hits me and I jump through the portal.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now