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Weeks pass with Valarie hiding in her bedroom in her cabin. I spend the weeks training. Then one day as Thor, Loki and I walk out the Asgard gates, planning on only taking a few minutes break cars pull around the corner and pull out in front of us. We prepare to fight but a few arrows fly out and land on the ground around us. Smoke fills the air and I breath in some of it only to choke on it. Sleeping gas. It only takes me a few minutes before I drop to the ground unconscious.

I lift my head and look around me. I'm in a room with only one door. A basement, I guess. My head pounds sending a soft groan through my lips. I sit up right and lean against the wall behind me, that my arms seem to be chained to. I turn my hands in the chains trying to figure out how I'm chained and after two minutes I give up and sit silently. Two thick cuffs wrap around my wrists with thick chains attaching the cuffs to the wall. There's enough chain for me to sit like I am or even possibly stand up. I look around me again and this time notice Loki sitting next to me watching me. He scowls and leans against the wall. I look past him and see Thor still sleeping on the floor.

'How the hell is he still sleeping?' I ask groggily.

'He breathed in a lot of the gas and you and I both did. Now I've got a blinding headache because of that buffoon,' Loki snaps.

I close my eyes and start to fall asleep when I heard Loki ask me, 'How are you falling back to sleep again? We've been gassed unconscious taken to who-knows-where with no possible way out.'

I open an eyes and gaze at him tiredly. 'I'd rather get some sleep now while I'm still drugged and then sort it out when I can't sleep,' I tell him.

He scowls harshly at me.

I shrug. 'I'm used to it. Besides we need to know where we are. We can't just barge our way out and then stop not knowing where we are.'

'We just need to cast a portal through,' he says.

'I can't cast a portal into Asgard,' I remind him, lying down again, my back pressed firmly against the wall, my body curled up so my legs cover as much of my stomach and chest possible. I feel my father's eyes on me and as I fall asleep again, I hear him sigh sadly.

'I wish I could have kept you,' he says. I sleep.

A swift kick to my knees wakes me up with a jolt. I quickly sit up before I even open up my eyes. I'm greeted by the unfamiliar sight of three men. I'm pulled up to my feet and to my credit I don't look around the room but keep my firm gaze on the men in front of me.

Raven can't you just freeze the chains and kill the men? Loki's voice fills me head confusing me for a moment. The men start talking and I can't hear a word they say through the white cloud covering my mind.

Not as simple as it sounds, I groan as one of the men slaps me across the face. The force sends my head swinging and the side of my head hits the wall. A loud crack sounds the room and one of the men starts yelling at the man who hit me. I sink to my knees with my head aching. But if I had thought that they would leave me alone until my head stopped hurting, I would be wrong. As it was the other man who stayed silent the whole time, dragged me up to my feet and turns me so I face my right, where the door is. The chains rattle and my arms fall to my side. I rub my wrists first and then hold my head, fingers touching blood. I bring my hand in front of my face and glare at the red blood covering my hand. I look at my hand then at the men. Despite the fact that I want to freeze them and kill them all, I am wary that the two Asgardians will also freeze if I unleash a freeze storm.


The pain and screaming in my head overwhelms me and I pass out.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now