Losing it over Valarie

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My mobile rings and I pull it out of The Space where I've been keeping it. Yeah go figure how I hear sound from The Space but I do. I answer it slightly confused. Only one person has my number, Valarie.

'Raven speaking.'

'Hi this is Rose. I'm a nurse looking after Valarie. I'm ringing well because you're on her emergency contact number and well she's causing trouble here at the hospital. We need you or her father to come in.'

I hear yelling and shouting in the background and the phone drops. Not from my hand from the nurse's. I wait patiently until she gets back.

'We've just had to sedate her but could you please or her father please hurry here.'

'Fine,' I hang up on her and race back to the Throne Room slamming the doors open and skidding to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. The queen sits next to Thor eyeing me disapprovingly.


'That's Your Majesty to you,' the queen snaps.

I turn on her angrily. 'How about you shut the fuck up and let me talk to Thor about his daughter.' She goes to say something but I glare at her icily and she sinks into silence.

'Thor, a nurse from the hospital needs either you or me to go and see Valarie. She's causing trouble at the hospital and they've had to sedate her but she reacts badly to sedatives.'

Thor looks from me to his wife.

'You go Raven. Take your father with you. You may need him. And see if you can get her back here.'

I nod, call my father and we meet in the hallway stepping through a portal into the hospital. The nurse Rose looks up and sees me. She instantly grabs my hand and drags me down hallways to where Valarie lies, muttering and murmuring as she tosses and turns.

'We have a medical room at the castle. We can look after her there,' I tell the nurse as I take Val's hand and enter her mind. I watch from where I stand invisibly in her nightmare as she holds Raven by the throat. A dagger appears in Raven's hand but Valarie takes it and stabs her in the heart. My hand covers my mouth and I watch as Raven's skin turns blue as Valarie just stands there watching. 

Loki and Thor yell out 'Raven!'. 

Thor checks for a pulse while Loki picks up his dead daughter. A single tear rolls down his face. Is that all Valarie thinks I'm worth to him? A single tear! I leave the nightmare and join the real world gasping.

'Valarie!' I call out hoping she can hear me.

'What's happening?'

'She is not going too well. Shock and she is scared. Get this room to a warmer temp.'

'She is not liking this heat.'

'That isn't right.'

'Use a stronger sedative,' I order the nurse, turning around as she stabs her. The room falls to silence as Valarie falls into a deeper unconscious. I turn back around and face the nurse.

'Can we take her home?' I croak, trying to get the tears to leave me alone.

The nurse hesitate. 'What are you to her?'

'Her cousin,' I reply trying to still my shaking shoulders.

The nurse looks at me kindly. 'Of course. Take her home. I can ring and get an ambulance to-'

'That won't be necessary,' Loki says as he pulls out the machines that are attached to Valarie and picks her up. 

'Daughter you go first through the portal,' he orders. There's nothing comforting in his voice but I do so anyway and we walk through the portal shutting it behind us. Loki lies Valarie down and I leave holding Valarie's phone as it rings.

'What?' I snap into it.

'Tony here...is Valarie alright?'

'NO! Of course, she isn't. They had to sedate her and she's shocked and scared and unconscious,' I feel tears coming on. Come on Raven. This isn't like me to cry over her or anything. I decide to take it out on Tony. 'It's all your fault. You hadn't made sure that the machine was ready for the heat. If you had none of this would have happened.'

'Where is she?' I hear him hiccup.

'Here. At the castle.'

'Can I see her?'

'As long as you won't kill her or try to again.'

'Raven,' he groans.

I hang up and hand the waiting guard Valarie's phone. He takes it and walks through the door into the infirmary. I teleport to my room, throwing myself onto the bed as the tears come. As I'm sitting up amongst the cushions the door opens and Loki walks in. He spots me on my bed and sits carefully next to me.

'What's wrong Raven?' his voice is quiet.

I shake my head and burry it in the pillows. His cold fingers run through my hair gently tugging on the knots.

'Did you want to talk about it?'

I shake my head again. 'Go away,' my voice is muffled because of the soft pillow.

His hand leaves my hair making me wish for him to not stop.

'Raven talk to me.'

'Leave me alone!' I shout into the pillow as the tears start again. The bed bounces up a little as he leaves but I don't hear the door open and the air doesn't change so I know that he hasn't left.

I raise my head and see a black cat with green eyes curling up next to me. Despite myself I can't help but let a small smile come through the tears. I lie down on the bed, a hand under a pillow, face buried in another pillow while my other arm drapes gently over the cat that snuggles up next to me purring softly as I cry.

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