Losing control

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The next day I look up from the book as Loki and Thor walk in.

'Didn't see you at breakfast today,' Thor comments.

I shrug. 'Don't see the point in going.'

'It's so you can eat and we can see that you are alive and still here,' Loki groans.

I shrug again and continue reading. A hand with a green sleeve grabs the top of my book. I finish reading the sentence and they grab the book out of my hands.

'Hey!' I protest.

'Now that we have your attention, we are going to Valarie's and you are coming with us,' Thor tells me.

'Oh joy,' I grumble, crossing my arms.

'Go get dressed and we will meet you there in a few minutes.'

I look at Loki who's still holding my book. He pulls a bookmark out of the air and marks my page. He closes the book and lies it gently on the table next to bed. As he follows Thor out, he turns to me.

'No reading until you're dressed and socialising is over,' he tells me.

I poke my tongue out as he shuts the door.

Minutes later I step out the portal and watch as Thor walks into Val's home and starts talking way to loudly. A moment later Valarie appears pushing him back out on to the porch.

'If they wake, I promise you that you can put them back to sleep,' she snaps, her fist closed tightly putting me on edge. Loki laughs.

'Don't you laugh, I will make you change the nappies,' Val threatens my father.

He stops laughing. She crosses her arms and her eyes fall on to me, behind my father.

'Shut up, or I'll skin you,' she says quietly while walking in to the house. She moves off towards my bedroom and a moment later enters the kitchen.

'Alright what do you want,' she says harshly.

I clear my throat trying to stop the laughter filling me.

'I just wanted to see my grandbabies,' Thor says.

Valarie doesn't budge. 'Well I want sleep, coffee and a fast car not a bloody minivan,' her tone getting harsher with every second.

'What happened to the other car?' I ask.

'Someone wanted me to sell it and buy a minivan. Like we already had a SUV, wasn't that good enough. Apparently not. But it's ok, what he doesn't know is that I bought my baby back. He can have the minivan and the SUV can be for driving the children,' she snarls.

'Um...ok, I just came here to let you know that I need you in Asgard tomorrow,' Valarie instantly smiles and nods.

'We will leave you to get some sleep.' Loki and Thor smiles and wave goodbye to her as we leave. Thor flies off to his castle and Loki turns to me.

'Why did we need to go again? Thor could have done that by himself,' I complained as we walk through the little bit of forest.

'Because you're here and you need to see Valarie as much as you can,' he explains half-heartedly.

'Father,' I groan. He stops walking and turns on me.

'What did you want me to say?' he snaps.

I frown and step back. He rubs his eyes.

'God. How did your foster parents deal with you?' I hear him mumble.

I turn away from him, not wanting him to see my face. 'They didn't,' my voice growls.

'Raven,' he begins. I can see him reaching out for my arm, to say he didn't mean it. That he didn't mean for me to hear him. I run through the forest and around the civilization.

I find myself at a waterfall on the other side of the castle. My legs ache and my chest burns from the long run but I don't sit down. My attention is captured by the waterfall. It's looks so cold and refreshing. I take a few steps towards it, my mind silent for once.

'Raven! No!' someone grabs hold of me around my waist. They lift me up and spin me away from the pretty waterfall so I'm facing the forest and the castle.

'What were you thinking, you idiot,' they snap as they lower me back on to the ground. My knees collapse and I fall to the ground, my hands falling into piles of dry leaves. My chest heaves for air. What is going on? Why- I groan, shaking my head trying to get my mind silent again but it doesn't. It buzzes with questions and white noise.

They move in front of me, sitting down so I can see them. They wear Asgardian clothes but I can't tell who it is. All I can tell is that it's a male. Wearing green. Shaking I force myself to stand up. He can't be here. He's not safe.

'Sit down. You are not well.'

I shake my head and a small grin appears. 'I'm fine,' I open a small portal to my bedroom and step through. I enter my room and feel myself ready to faint. I make my legs walk me around my rooms, making sure no one is around. There's a knock on my main bedroom door. I drag myself over to it and open it.

'What?' I croak.

The guard looks at me in surprise. 'I was only wondering who was in your room...Raven.'

I nod. 'All good Ryan,' his name springs to my mind. He nods and turns away from the door. 'Ryan,' I call out as I realize what I need. He turns back to me. 'Get my father,' I tell him. His mouth opens but he quickly shuts it and nods. I close the door and turn to try to get to my bed. I don't even make it that far. 

'Take it easy,' he whispers to me as I struggle to sit up. I manage to sit up but I can't hold myself up. I feel myself falling backwards as my body falls limp with exhaustion. Pillows catch me and stop me from moving to far back. My gaze flies over the room than finally on to my father. His eyes are blank of emotion but the dark rings under his eyes show he's tired.

'You collapsed on the floor after sending the guard for me,' he tells me as I frown. I somehow am sitting up on my bed. 'I moved you on to your bed just before you started.'

'Started what?'

He gestures around the room. Icicles are everywhere. Growing from the ceiling and some poking out from the walls. Snow falls daintily from the ceiling covering the ground.

'I've never seen anyone with as much strength over their frost magic,' he looks into my eyes. 'None of the frost giants can even conjure up a small blizzard. Yet you somehow can make it storm when you're unconscious.'

I shrug. 'The frost giants?'

'What we are,' he replies his eyes darkening a little.

'Make up your mind. Are we Asgardian or Frost Giant? I would say more Asgardian because you and I aren't a giant.'

His eyes loose the dark look and instead he becomes puzzled. 'You said you watched all the Marvel movies. I know you read all the comics and anything with me in it. You know what we are.'

'I read and watch fiction. Tell me the truth,' I reply coldly.

He shakes his head. 'Later. You are exhausted. Rest. We will talk tomorrow,' and with that he gets up and casts a quick cleaning spell on the room so the ice and snow disappears. I watch the spell slightly amazed. The door clicks close telling me he's gone and I lie back down.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now