Three days later...

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I look out my window as the guards help the servants build the great pyre. I turn my back to it. It's nearly finished being built. They've been working on it for the past three days. Its been three days since Valarie died. I flinch at the memory and shove my earphones in and turn my music up louder, drowning out all noise.

That night I step into my walk in robe and walk right to the back of it. My hand lifts limply to pull the black singlet and black jumper down. I pull them on and then pull out a pair of dark green leather pants. I pull my calf high boots on and pull my hoodie on so it covers half my face.

'Raven, it's time to go' my father calls from outside my bedroom.

I make no noise and a moment later join him as we walk in silence down to the pyre. All of Asgard and the wolves and the Avengers stand in a great big circle around the pyre. We walk through them and next to the chair waiting for Thor. Thor sits on it, pale in the face, eyes red rimmed, new tears already flow down his face. Alec stands next to Thor holding the two kids Valarie left behind. Loki takes his spot on the other side of Thor and I stand next to Loki gazing at the pyre not really seeing anything. My body feels numb and I don't show any signs of what I'm really doing. I'm thinking. None of this makes sense. Valarie shouldn't have died. She should still be here. She should be looking after her kids, ruling Asgard. People stand and say speeches but no one listens to them. Thor and everyone else stares out at nothing.

I teleport myself deep into the woods where I know roses grow. Red ones grow. Valarie's favourite. I reach out pick one but my uncontrollable emotions makes me lose control on my powers. The rose freezes. I drop it in pain and anger. I force myself to take a deep breath and feel my powers fade away. I try again and manage to pick another rose without it freezing. I pick another two then teleport myself back to the funeral. Some guards start to walk towards the pyre but I step forwards and the whole funeral just stops. Tears prickle in my eyes but I keep walking towards the pyre where the body lies. I lie the three blood red roses on her chest, turn my back to her and walk back to my father. He makes no move to comfort me but I don't ask him to. I know that he has to stay strong. That he needs to show the Asgardians that even in the time of their mourning someone will still always be in charge. The guards move forwards and one of them stoops to light it on fire. Even though I know she's dead I feel sick in my stomach and make a clone in my spot as I teleport away. 

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now