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For the following week I don't see Valarie at all only Loki and my bodyguards.

I look up from the book as Thor comes in. He looks around the room then strolls over to the windows and clicks his fingers. I watch him confused until two black birds come and perch on his shoulders.

'What the hell?'

'Raven, these are now your...pets,' he says.

'What are they?' I ask moving off my bird and moving closer to him to inspect them.

'Ravens,' he replies with a straight face. A loud snigger echoes in the room and the birds fly onto my shoulders then Thor doubles over laughing as well. I sigh and turn around to see my father. He straightens up and looks amused, his eyes moving from my face to either shoulder where the birds sit.

'Well Raven we can say that your hair is raven black,' Loki starts laughing again. 'Thor why did you have to give my daughter, Raven some Ravens? I already have enough Raven's. I only needed the one. Didn't need three,' Loki keeps laughing. A dagger appears in my hand and I'm ready to throw it at him when with a small movement in his hand the dagger falls out of my grip and one of my bird's necks is in my hand. I let go surprised and glare at my father in disgust.

'Don't do that again,' he says coldly and storms out of the room. I look backwards over at Thor and he straightens up and sighs.

'You don't laugh or know when to take a joke,' he mutters.

Anger flows through me and the birds fly up into the rafters of the room. 'Well sorry for having a shit life where a slight smile or a laugh could have me beaten to a near inch of my death. Sorry for not finding being beaten and starved everyday amusing and that I should treat it as a joke. SORRY for not being able to relax and joke around like you buffoons seem more then capable of.'

Thor winces and looks from me to the birds. 'Anyway the birds are not only your pets. They will go with you anywhere. Think of them as bodyguards.'

An amused look slips on my face and Thor steps back unsure. The two birds float down and start circling around me head. I make clones of them until a flock of ravens circle around me. Through the illusions I see Thor all but run out to my balcony and fly off. I laugh as he retreats and the illusions fade away and the birds fly out the open window, and I follow them; as a raven.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now