Some Answers

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Seven days later Loki's voice enters my mine once more. She's awake, he tells me over mind-link bringing me racing down the hallways past startled servants and guards and into the infirmary. I only just appear in the room as she wakes up. I spot Thor and slide to a stop at the door. I walk in the room slowly trying not to break in to a run for the last ten metres.

'You asshole, you scared the shit out of me,' I say as I stand beside her bed.

Her face fills with confusion, 'care to explain,' she says while laughing.

'You must have hit your head when you were fighting. The amount of blood you lost should have killed you. You almost died on us two times,' Loki says as he looks out of the window, 'after they had you stable, your body was trying to recover from infections. So-'

'So, for my body to fully recover, they put me in an induced coma.'

They nod and the two adults begin to pace around the room.

'How long was I gone for?' she says while hopping off the bed.

'Get back on the bed now,' I rise my voice. 'Can you leave us for a second,' I look at Loki. They agree and leave the room. 'You idiot, we almost lost you,' I struggle to not yell at her as tears begin to rise in my eyes.

'Does big bad Raven care about me?' she pushes the limits. I glare at her while she speaks.

'Val, of course I fucking care,' she smiles, 'you shouldn't have healed them all. They were fine, you on the other hand was held for ransom by that crazy bitch.' She laughs.

'I am a doctor. I can't help it,' she tries to hop out of bed and my hands flick up as frustration flows through me.

'You are so stubborn.' She smiles and stands up. 'You should really sit down but you Valarie, are daughter of a god. So, this makes you the most stubborn person alive.' She laughs again and sits down on the chair.

'No one answer my question, how long was I out for?'

'A month, luckily it was just a month. The doctor said it may have taken more than one month for you to heal. You scared us Val when you almost died, twice. Your father has barely gotten any sleep. He stayed by your side, so did Alec,' she smiles and quickly looks at me.

'Can you ask the nurses if I can go home?'

I huff. More people asking me to run errands. I walk out of the room and find the nurse outside.

'She wants to go home,' I tell her.

The nurse hears the unasked question and nods her approval. I turn and stalk back into the room and find her lying on the bed looking at the roses her father left on the counter.

'They said you can go home.'


'But,' she screw her face up. 'You have to be careful,' I add that last part in. For my sake.

'I know,' she stands up from the bed and moves towards the door.

'Don't, I will create a portal,' she laughs again. I don't get what's so funny for her. I open a portal for her and watch as she moves towards it. 'I will be there soon. I'll just inform your father,' she nods and I close the portal once she's through. I make my way from the infirmary and to the throne room. Thor looks up as I enter and signals for me to remain quiet. I walk up the stairs that go up to the throne and sit on the top stair watching disinterested as he sorts out some thieving child. After a few minutes the guards escort the young thief out and Thor comes down from his throne. He walks down three stairs and stands in front of me. Even though he's two stairs lower than me he still towers over me. I tilt my head back so I can see him.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now