healing kids

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'Valarie!' I yell. She looks to me as I run over with her phone, I answered minutes before. 'It's the twins,' fear is seen clearly on my face. She takes the phone off me.


She listens for a minute then puts her phone on loud speak. All I can hear is screaming.

'I hung the phone up.'

She looks at me and I open a portal. 'I've already mind-linked with Loki. Go,' she sprints through and I follow behind. We run into the pack house and follow the screams. We walk in on my old foster parents trying to calm them down. Anne and Robert their names come to me as I watch Valarie picks up her babies. I walk over and run my hand over their heads.

'Raven, I don't know what's wrong.'

'They have too much power. It's basically tearing them apart. Your father can help,' I say while creating yet another portal to where her father is.

'Dad it's the twins.'

He looks up from what he's doing. 'They are too strong and cannot handle at their age and their size.'

'It's the same what you went through,' he says as he looks at the twins. Their scream become higher pitched and really irritating me.

'Dad! What do I do?' Valarie starts crying.

I frown as I concentrate. I play what Thor said over and over in my head while watching Valarie. Of course. Her pen helped her concentrate her powers as Thor has his hammer.

'Valarie, hold them still,' I say and wait until she does and then I act quickly, grabbing hold of Alia necklace I spotted earlier and cast a spell on it. The same spell that was on Thor's hammer and the same spell that is now on Valarie's pen. Alia stops crying. A moment later I'm handed a baby sized dog tag and I do the same thing as before. I finish the spell and put the dog tag around Nicholas. He stops crying and looks up at me, with red rimmed eyes brimmed with tears. Valarie grabs them both and rocks them to sleep.

'Valarie!' a portal finishes opening and Alec runs through to Valarie, hugging her. 'Is everything ok? What happened?'

'Their powers were too strong,' she says smiling at me. 'It it wasn't for Raven, I don't know what would have happened,' she says while tears continue to run down her face.

I disappear to my room needing to rest after casting a difficult spell twice.

Minutes later there's a knock on my door. Someone waiting for permission to enter. I give it and the door opens, Valarie enters and makes a quick glance around the room spotting me sitting on the floor. That's as far as I got to before she arrived. She sits beside me.

'Raven thank you so much. I don't know what could of happened if you weren't there.'

'Valarie you don't need to thank me.'

'I do, because those children mean the world to me. And hearing their screams terrified me, and you stopped any further harm. So I need to say thank you,' she says while looking at me seriously.

'Ok, ok,' I say laughing at her face. 'Are they ok?'

'Yeah, Alec took them to the infirmary to make sure no permanent damage occurred,' she says while standing up. A loud knock comes from the door and sure enough Thor barges in.

'Raven...oh Val. You are here too.'

Val and I look at each other. 'Weirdo am I right,' she whispers. I laugh silently. Thor clears his throat and we look at him.

'Raven, I want you to parole the perimeter of just Asgard.'

'Dad, give her a break. She just got back.'

'We all have roles, and we need to stick to them,' he says while leaving. Val looks at me.

'I'll go persuade him,' she goes to leave but I wrap my hand around her wrist.

'Val it's fine,' I stand up still holding her wrist. 'Please let it go,' I say while yawning. I let go and teleport myself to the stables. I have my horse saddled and start riding off.

'Oi you,' Val yells while catching up on her horse. 'Really think you could get rid of me?' she smiles.

I smile sweetly back and we ride off together. I keep silent as we patrol Asgard, my eyes darting around looking for anything out of place.

'So, um...how are you sleeping?' she asks while yawning.

'Probably just as good as you are?' she looks away. 'Yeah, I know. I know you don't sleep.'

'Hey, you can't talk. You don't sleep either,' she laugh. 'Raven why won't you tell me?'

'I don't want to scare you.'

'Please. I've fought aliens and elves. I don't get scared easily,' she says trying to lighten the subject. She gasps, causing me to look over as her horse suddenly stops and walks backwards.


'Raven what's going on?'

'I don't know, but be careful.'

She nods and holds tighter to the horse, looking around. As she looks around the horse goes to move and after a few seconds the horse rears up on his back legs, knocking Valarie off. She falls and a snap sounds throughout the forest.

'Valarie!' I jump off my horse and run to her. 'Oh, god,' I pick her arm up gently. 'Val that is definitely broken.' I help her up and put her up on my horse.

'Where did my father's horse go?' she asks.

'Back to Asgard,' I guess while jumping on the horse and riding back to the castle. I jump off and help her down once we arrive. 'Come on, let's get you cleaned up before your father sees you,' I say helping her to my room quickly. I grab a cloth and wipe away the dirt and blood from her scratches. Once I am done she heals her arm and the rest of herself. She smiles at me.

'Thanks Raven,' she says while hugging me. 'I need to check on my children,' she says leaving my room silently. I collapse on my bed gazing up at the ceiling in silence.

Some time later another knock on my door sounds.

'Nope,' I call out.

Val laughs and walks in.

'Oh, thank the gods, it's just you,' I say.

'How is the arm?'

'Well it is working, ' she says cheekily.

I remain silent playing on my phone. I would rather go to sleep but I can't. I turn my full attention back to my phone. Moments later she takes my phone out of my hands. I glance at her quizzing but get the hint that she wants me to go sleep. I conjure out a book and continue to read.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now